Wednesday, July 31, 2024

AUSTIN -newest addition to our indigenous word art #iwa


  it was taryn and i that teamed up to co-create the iwa in carmel.   -for this one, she was in the gift store and visiting the cafe;  

   -and i KNEW i wanted to create the iwa for austin at lady bird johnson' wildflower center

a dream come true for me to visit...    -remember i feed on documentaries, and i had watched a documentary about lady bird spreading wildflower seeds around texas

watched how utterly boring stretches of land became colorful, fun and gorgeous!   -watched that documentary looooong time ago, and it has ALWAYS stayed with me..

anyway, so here we were...  and i was like a child!  -had to touch every leaf...  such a variety of textures, from scratchy, to ultra soft, to almost plastic feeling...  smooth  -anyway..

co-existing with all i was delighting in..   this burning desire to create iwa..

and I KNEW there was absolutely no way, under any circumstance, that i, that we..

there was no way we were going to  -pick- any wildflowers in order to create it...

tempting as it was...    

i can't prove it in a court of law, or scientifically, or anything, but i'm comfortable going on record as saying if anyone PICKED WILDFLOWERS to create something,  picked wildflowers at lady bird johnson's wildflower center,  without asking and receiving permission first

bad luck for like, 3 spring seasons in a row...   lady bird's ghost will turn your green thumbs black n blue

i dont recommend it.    -so, exactly as i was re-wondering about our indigenous word art, and what we might use to create it...

write about that same time...    


we turned a corner and ran into a section at the wildflower center that ENCOURAGES kids to play and create with branches and rocks

and you could see where children had created wonderful forts..   and rock sculptures...

really cool designs

and then whoever shows up next, rearranges the sticks, branches, rocks into their own creation

  -and we are nothing, if not big kids ourselves, 

so..  in no time at all,  and at complete liberty to do so, we grabbed this wonderful branch.. and that wonderful perfect rock..

i mean, just look at the T...  we didn't even have to build it, it was just waiting for us to move it over in its proper place   -awesome! 

and while we were creating we met the kaiser family..  beautiful family, harry, vivian, brother and sister, and their mom..   and we shared about our ongoing collection of indigenous word art, and the photo journal we keep

and the mom shared about how her grandfather was a vietnam war photographer,  -and how he didn't talk much about his photo collection..

easy to understand.

in any case, we enjoyed visiting and meeting them, and harry was wonderful helping us know the hot spots for i-spying the dinosaurs currently on exhibit..     him and his sister were participating in the scavenger hunt for dinosaurs, and i think had already found them all

and they helped us by taking our picture with the iwa we had just created, and we took their picture with it too..

create. capture. then mosey write along...

i mentioned to the mom, this experience would eventually be posted on my blog..

she said sweet and lightheartedly, "oh, we'll be famous.."

and i said with a smile,  "not sure about being famous..  but you will be blessed!"

and i cant prove that in a court of law, or scientifically either, but i do believe...

everyone pictured or written about on my blog...   extra blessings their way.    -as is true for anyone and everyone who stops to read the poems i write inspired by our yard art..

   -speaking of!

i am currently in the process of creating the state flower for each of the united states; the outline is already drawn, and waiting to be embossed, so to speak, on top of our american flag..


i had to kind of stop in the middle of hot-gluing,  -the yucca, i think it was, 

to pen a poem that spilled out of me like syrup over pancakes

    /perhaps a water/flower analogy would be more appropriate 

but,  -back to work...

joyful, wonderful, creative, inspired work

selah!  hallelujah & amen! 


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