i saw God on April 30th, 2020 (me!) sandra, AKA ~tops
it is entirely true! I, Sandra Harrison Kay, AKA, WriteousMom, AKA, Sandra tvgp; SHE; that cute chick from Hayward; Sandy Cheeks; AKA, many names, most currently ~tops,
many names but one person: (me!)
I saw God on April 30th, 2020. And this opportunity is available to anyone else brave enough, spontaneous enough, bold enough,
crazy in love enough
to drive the drive I -unplannedly- took my sexy on.
/this may prove a key ingredient -the unplanned nature of it all
/and, ignorance.. - knowing very little about what you are about to get yourself into
so, sorry to say, but by reading this... you will know too much, and therefore cannot have the same experience
but, apply the same formula when a window appears to be opening in your own life, on your own unique journey, and you will get the same results...
you sure do have to pay attention to those windows starting to open...
don't just pass by...
when the man you love, sitting in the passenger seat, looks at you and says,
"96 more miles.. sure you want to do this?!?"
and you arrive at the fork...
when you arrive at the next fork, that is; as there appear to be many knives, several forks, and only a few spoons at the supper table of life..
anyway.. where you see a familiar short cut,
vs an entirely new path
take the entirely new path! the one you've never been down before..
I mean up. the one you've never been up before!
-because it seems to me, from my memory, that UP was a very consistent direction I drove my limelight for miles and miles and miles on the day I saw God
no idea where I was heading really, but the road was so narrow, and the turns were so tight, all I could do was drive forward with my hands fixed in the 10 and 2 position
and my foot shifting: accelerator; break; break; accelerator...
break in; accelerate out... slowly... onward and upward...
I tried my best to keep conversation going with my sexy.. he seemed pretty calm, and seem to be enjoying the views..
"look!" he'd say,
and, I wanted to; I really did..
but there were these cliffs.. and a tight turn, and the focus required to drive made it so that
best I could do was
well, if it were recorded; I would win the Guinness world record for fastest glance
my eyeballs moved to the view and back to the road in front of me in under one half, of one half of one second
truth is, I don't remember what we talked about, I don't remember any spectacular views..
not until we got to San Antonio Valley where the road flattened, and widened, and for miles and miles you could see beautiful trees, meadows, wildflowers, "look! deer!"
and I could look! whenever there were no curves, no cliffs and a wide road
I could look, admire, enjoy, talk to Robert, and drive so comfortably at the same time
I could do it all...
I love San Antonio Valley. I really,
REALLY wish it did not ever have to come to an end.
but it did. and up, and around more tight corners, we went
my sexy joked, "they call this a two lane road?!?! all they've done is take a one lane road and draw a line down the center"
thank God, with my nerves as close to being shot without actually being shot, his demeanor empowered me to keep going
keep going, and going, and going...
because it turns out, once you arrive at a certain place, you realize, there is just no turning back.
you have no room on either side of your car to turn back if you wanted to
you will either crash into the side of a rocky mountain, or fall to your death off a cliff.
so, it is not a place of maybe this, or maybe that; it is only this: keep going.
I did consider putting it in park, and trading places.. Robert could drive, I would be the passenger
I know he would have done it. he would.
but, I couldn't unpeel my hands from the steering wheel.
I never even mentioned it. just kept going up...
for how long, I can't be sure, but,
1/2 hour,
hour and a half,
we finally, finally, finally reached some 4,200 feet above sea level!
the bay area's highest point!
and I paused a moment to talk to God..
because, somehow, someway, the only time I had to move over for another car, or scoot to the side for a motorcyclist, or bicyclist..
well, Jesus.. I never had to drive backwards..
the only time I had to navigate the presence of another automobile, is when the road widened, or was flat, like in San Antonio Valley
"Thank You!"
I couldn't have made it this far without you! I know you are with me! -us; all of us! me, my sexy, our family, friends, everyone on this road...
all of humanity! everything is so beautiful! you are amazing! life is amazing!
and, Dear God,
can you please help me get back ~home.
-because you know the lyrics as well as anyone... "what goes up... must come down"
and, now, the drive from the Lick Observatory was the same as the drive to... only instead of UP and AROUND..
it was DOWN and AROUND...
forever it seemed.
-and I did see God! -just like I told you. I saw God -and it wasn't exactly at the highest peak, where you might have first imagined,
or in the epic views my sexy got to enjoy
or the forest of trees; or the mountain itself; or the narrow paved road; or the wildflowers, or the meadows, or the range of wildlife -birds, deer, rabbits
in the beauty of the perfect blue sky; or in the spring sunlight..
although God is present in ALL of those things.
I saw God during my ascension -he appeared only very briefly, and if I remember correctly,
only 2 or 3 times over the course of such a long, challenging, dangerous drive
and he's still there!
you can see him too!
-the most beautiful sight along the scary, narrow, hairpin turns of your life:
Guardrails. -just the sight of them! those are the truest, most beautiful sights you will ever see on your journey of life. God is love; God is Guardrail. Amen!
on this same day.. we drove up Sierra, along the backroads from San Jose to Livermore. And then on the way back -Mines Road, in Livermore, the Mt Hamilton route back to San Jose.
Beautiful Scenery! And more driving than I'm likely to do for the rest of my life.
In Jesus protective and trustworthy name! hallelujah & amen.
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