Surgeries of the Spiritual Kind.. as considered by (me!) sandra, tvgp
tucked within a much longer prayer"and I can pray longer because I have an extra hour every morning!"
I am currently praying for a treasured friend/family who has been diagnosed with an 'inoperable' brain tumor.
what a weight that word carries: inoperable -translated, there is nothing we can do
and that sent my mind on a journey.. and I quickly realized the ratio of operable to inoperable surgeries is like,
10 to 1000000000000
very few things, very few human illnesses/diseases/issues/problems/health challenges/disorders/syndromes are
-operable. very few, when placed to next the large number of inoperables.
I mean really..
translated, operable ='s, -we can identify it via xray/mri, or fmri.. we can -see- quite specifically where the problem is, get inside, and correct ...or remove... or insert, or transplant /etc.
and how beautiful it is, what a gift! when a problem can be seen/isolated to the point a trained/skilled surgeon and team, can go inside a human body and -fix it.
wow to that!
but, let's say a person is filled with hate.. fear... greed.... insecurities... anxiety.. low self esteem.. depression... emptiness... unmotivated... without purpose or drive... or desires/passions... what about ignorance, immaturity... stupidity... stubborn/willfulness.. poor taste..
what about, bad motives, ill intentions.. short tempers... phobias.. superiority/inferiority complexes.. inflated egos... anger.. ... what about guilt, shame.. indecision.. humiliation..
judgement.. rumors... projections... stereotyping... profiling... misrepresented reputations.. lies..
taboos, stigmas..
when I got to thinkin' about it..
but we never, -to my experience, identify these problem/issues/feelings/experiences using that very accurate vocabulary: -has an inoperable and chronic, fast growing, stage 4, shame based spiritual cyst..
*** we should employ the word more often.. ***
PTSD: inoperable.
cold/flu: inoperable
hate/anger: inoperable
insecurities: inoperable
aging process/growing one year older every year you are alive: inoperable
mortality: inoperable
so many human conditions/problems.. health related issues of the minor, major, and fatal kind
they require surgeries of the spiritual kind.
they require we look inside the human heart.. not the physical heart.. the spiritual heart
and -only with permission, and never against God given free will..
a very slow, often messy and awkward and painful and invisibly incremental
vs. a short or long surgery
can take place; and slowly.. bring true and ultimate healing.
and how do you know when a physical surgery is successful...
-the way you know a spiritual surgery, which can take months, years, decades..
is successful
is by the amount of peace, love, joy... hope, faith..
full manifestation of the fruits of .... "the spirit!"
whether or not you/loved one are in the hospital today, or have a doctor appointment
you are somewhere on the healing spectrum
where, all the way to the left, sits: dead/non-responsive/empty/apathetic/hopeless
and all the way to the write: awake/alive! in love with life
how whole and healed are you today? -on the inside.
which type of surgery do you need?
my PTSD was inoperable. but I am healed.
and I have come to know, understand, appreciate.. that, if your relationship is straight and solid with God, with Jesus..
even while battling something as physically ominous as an 'inoperable' brain tumor
which -who among us has the strength alone?
it is not in your own strength.. Phillippians 2:13 /and I navigate naturally here to my 4 point prayer:
you are not alone
gratitude for every healthcare provider
specific healing -the inoperable brain tumor
trust God.
cast cares.. don't carry the weight on your own shoulders/heart.. release..
walk in love
hallelujah and amen.
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