Wednesday, February 14, 2018

True Love. as experienced and shared by (me!) ~writeousmom

I first learned about love from my parents

not in a classroom, but in our home.

I did not learn about love by reading books, or studying, or just hearing about it and asking questions.
I learned about love by being loved

there is no greater joy than getting to APPLY what you've learned!

and so, when I became a Mommy at age 31

I was madly, crazy, wildly in love
before she even left my womb

so awesome, the experience
I was blessed again 2 1/2 years later
with the world's best son.

true love.


and speaking of true love


it is the anniversary of my baptism!
I gave my heart to Jesus 
~the very source of truth and love
on Valentines Day 2010.


and I am surrounded on all sides 
with love;
and ever since.

hallelujah and amen


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