Monday, September 12, 2016

A different Church every sunday for (me!) sandra, tvgp

It is my plan to visit a different church each Sunday I go to church for the next year.  I started here, in Fremont, where I had the great pleasure of hearing the band my Alden lane coworker friend, Melissa,  plays in...  "Wonderful!!".   I encourage the making of a CD...   I'd be playing it write now..       And! As the topic was recovering from toxic relationships..

Of which I have had more than my share

I was just like " thank you Jesus!" Silently through the whole sermon because I have GRADUATED! In this area

where I seem to attend school for not years, but decades.   And I have had a couple close calls to be sure, but


I can pre-spot the signs of toxicity from a distance and avoid these counterproductive relationships all together.

"Thank You Jesus!!".     and, boy, this sure did take a long time...

But I'm inspired to create my own diploma.   I believe I have earned a PhD..

" hallelujah! & amen!".  


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