Monday, October 19, 2015

yes.. mmm hmmm.. exactly.. by (me!) sandra, tvgp

super soulers...  cynthia bond described things so accurately; so succinctly and perfectly..   there is really no need for it to be explained by anyone else ever:     when a person is raped/abused in any way,   -the predator literally puts their toxic poison inside you.  -writing releases the toxins back out..   /it is one of many ways to release/heal..

/perhaps we can make the leap, that the more writing you do, the greater the amount of toxins you had to release...


and yes to the gentleman who made the distinction between soul and spirit:   -the soul being the part of us that attaches; and the spirit the part that needs to be free...

why we so frequently hear the references, 'anchor for my soul' and 'so n so is a free spirit..'

and it is true for me that having an anchor for the soul, is practically a prerequisite for enjoying a free spirit..


LOVING Oprah's 7 part belief documentary!   -wow..    and, i love to find and think on common denominators:  water as a cleansing, outward symbolic gesture of an internal desire...

-the pattern of 'the world' sending the deceitful message: you are not enough; never enough, vs. God sending the truth: you are enough, a beautiful unique masterpiece, made from and with love..

and there is lots more of course, but I close here with this fascination..

-that sensation inside human beings..  reported by too many human beings to calculate:   'something is missing, but I don't know what it is..'

where/what  -biologically/physiologically/neuroistically speaking, is the compass/radar/tool/mechanism.. inside us, that allows us to describe whether we feel whole vs. feel that something is missing..?


nope, one more thing: it is a wonderful question; very popular question, and I think everyone should contemplate the answer for themselves..

"Is it enough just to be a good person? or do we need God?"

*** IJN, A!


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