Thursday, October 15, 2015


At 8:47 AM, Blogger SHE said...

code name: apostle Paul. "Thank you!" for your every kindness.. and working a deal around my pathetic income and low credit score...

pleasure to meet you!

At 8:51 AM, Blogger SHE said...

"Thank you!" also to Alex.. looked at, and write through my starving artist budget and circumstances without judgement, and promised i would leave with -something..

"and I did!". -man of his word...

At 9:00 AM, Blogger SHE said...

and "thank you!" also to amir khandel.. finance director.. for making smooth, quick, painless, what has the great potential to be rough, long & miserable..

plus.. ! -loved learning this fascinating fact about left-handers from Iran:

what he shared, -amir, after i noticed and inquired about his left-handedness, is that

being left-handed in Iran was considered bad/wrong.. and was to be corrected

UNTIL! ShAh of Iran had a son, who... was born left-handed. -then all the sudden, -being left-handed was perfectly fine..

and amir just made the cut, apparently.. born one or two years after reza pallavi..

and when time allows, I will research/learn more... but, -isn't that not an unfamiliar pattern...


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