Wednesday, October 14, 2015

WELCOME to FOTS, by (me!) sandra, tvgp

come one, come all, come as you are..  bring a neighbor, bring a friend, bring a friendly neighbor, family member..  no lack of seating -its all online in the blogosphere..

"k.  in order to officially join FOTS, you must know what that stands for,    -anyone?

that's write!   fruits of the spirit..   Of the SPIRIT..  very good..   and what kind of leader would I be if I did not immediately digress from the main topic with a little bit of trivia for you..

what fruit was it in the garden of eden that caused the whole big 'everyone is now a sinner mess...'

/please hear here the exaggerated/highly animated voice of robin williams:

NO! IM AFRAID YOU ARE WRONG ABOUT that sir..   it was not the apple in the tree..     it was the pear on the ground..

.. /my dad planted all these little jokes, i cannot resist..

but did you know, the bible never actually references an apple.. 

we projected that over time... and what a great example of iconic branding!  the association of eve with an apple..   

and may i recommend here, a quick re-scan, when time
allows, of genesis...   -quite fascinating..  and!  entertaining

if i were to paraphrase..  not the words, as much as the behavior, it would look something like this:

GOD:  I've gifted you with life..  enjoy!   everything here in this garden is yours for the taking...      -except THAT

/and isn't there always one exception...  to like, everything..

SATAN:   mmmmm.... hey eve... take a good long look at THAT!

EVE: THAT sure looks good...   hey adam... 

ADAM:  THAT ...  is really good!


GOD: / i knew this kind of thing would happen..  the second i gave them free will...   honestly...   

..adam .. what do you have to say for yourself?

"eve made me do it!".    -in today's talk, we call this, 'throwing somebody under the bus..'

..eve..  what do you have to say for yourself?

" satan made me do it!"

.. and THAT is what happens in my next movie, called Free Will Hunting.

anyway.. where was I..    Oh yes..  FOTS..   fruits of the spirit..

obviously everyone who is an official member of FOTS should be able to name what they are..

and one of the first things that separates us from the other 500 denominations is that you are not required to memorize them...

great if you can... but feel free to jot them on a piece of paper and just read them if and when you're asked..

THAT's it for today...   walk in love...  see you next time...


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