Friday, September 19, 2014

Mamma~razzi strikes again! (Me!) Sandra, tvgp

Coming soon.. I mean it is once again red carpet season for all of us mamma~razzi types..   Homecoming!  And this year I have 3 star couples on the high school campus: my daughter/her boyfriend; my son/his date; my nephew/his date...   Oh! The fun/creative ways they ask and invite..    I have gold again in my personal albums..


Nephew: " that she said yes.. I'll have to wing it with the dancing"

Auntie sandy: "let me and your mom show you a couple moves.. We've been at it for years!"

My son: "don't listen to her. Go to YouTube"

(Me!):  "what?!  I can teach you the lawn mower, the sprinkler.. You can make those work for a lot of songs.."

My son: "never.. 

(Me!):   " just remember..  Its not HOW you move... Its THAT you move.."

/but they had both already tuned me out.


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