Sunday, September 21, 2014

"Wild" by (me!) Sandra, tvgp

The prerequisite is this: knowledge of/experience with pandora.


This very morning I was having a dream..  -who cares what it was I about; no matter

I was teaching a class..  But!  I suddenly became conscious of the fact that there was, during my entire dream, a soundtrack playing in the background.  The only reason I became conscious (that is, conscious in my dream) that music was playing at all, is because

Suddenly it stopped!    -next thing I know, a screen pops into my dream and there's that little box with text that reads

"I'm still listening"

And that's when I woke up.. Laughing.

But then..  Has there always been music in the background of my dreams and I've never noticed?    Because had the music during this dream not stopped abruptly.. I would have never realized..

-how much goes on around us everyday.. Unnoticed.. Until it stops? Until its gone...


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