Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Andy Stanley, His Wife Sandra & Guardrails as seen by (me!) Sandra, tvgp

I wish the whole wide world could see this talk. A rare couple. A rare success story..  Married 24 years..  How have they succeeded?  -you can clearly see:  two people who put God first.. Two people on the same page; same team..  Each making decisions that honor God and their marriage/their family over their egos.  But the big reveal for (me!)  -the underlying motivation/intension/driving force:  "staying together would be the greatest gift we could give our children".    -I pray for more exposure to couples like: joyce & David Meyer; TD Jakes and his wife..  Andy Stanley and his wife..    I pray that kind of mutual commitment between my children and the person they love and marry.  It is harder and harder to find; there are more and more obstacles...  We need greater exposure to success stories and the Ingredients thereof..  In Jesus name. Amen.


At 9:46 AM, Blogger SHE said...

We are back to my favorite quote:

Takes two to succeed

But only one to make it fail.

If you have one person putting God, the marriage and family first

But the other putting ego first.


BOTH spouses need to be on the same page/same team.

God is it a beautiful thing to witness..


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