Wednesday, June 18, 2014

RADIO BRAIN STATIONS by (me!) Sandra, tvgp

More notes for my neuroscientist friend:  I love it! -the ability to, at will, change what I'm thinking about; control it.  I say, I would like to think about (variable here), and then I do.. Just like that.  And I can, at will, change what I'm thinking about in the blink of an eye.  -amazing all by itself.  But! To be able also to think not only of actual things.. Memories or things write in front of us.. But to "imagine". To create, at will..  In the mind, ... And then to have those things manifest!  What a gift this is!  -the radio brain; to be able to change stations that already exist AND create stations..  What fascinates me further though: emotions. I can, to date, control and change stations, if you will, with more skill and speed than emotions. So.. Example.  If I have landed on (or chosen) a sad memory.. I am better off changing the memory itself -which I can more easily override vs. Trying to override the emotion of sadness if I don't change the station.  They come in pairs.  Attached it seems..  But the potency level alters; subsides; gets diluted ..with.. Time.  Always have to factor in time.  Time stamps. 

Just fascinates (me!).

Sensitivity levels. Emotional sensitivity levels; feelings.

-the first time I saw ( variable ) it made me so sad.  -couldn't stop crying.

-the next time..   Cried a little.

-next time..  No tears. Just felt melancholy.



I can't watch that at all.. It destroys me.


I was numb..

Or apathetic..

Then I became sensitive; understood.

Then I cried for the first time at something that used to never bother me.


To witness, and experience, the spectrum of emotional sensitivity levels.. From intense and overwhelming to neutral and manageable or from apathetic and detached to empathetic and caring..

But with all of this..  All of this..:  being able to consciously change what we are thinking about -like a radio..

The part of us that does the changing?

To be able to experience emotions; a spectrum of emotions..

The part of us that is -aware- and can identify which emotion we are experiencing at what level of Intensity..

That fascinates (me!) Most of all.

.. To re-examine areas in my life where I went from highly sensitive to utterly impervious..     What is the process by which this happens?

To examine areas where I went from numb to sensitive..

I could spend all day pondering..

And what is my motivation for doing such a thing; motivation behind my ponderings..

That brings us to "origins of motivation" or "intensions"

Wow!  Can we change/override those like they are radio stations?  Can we change underlying motivations the same way we can change what we are thinking about?

I return to awe..  Human beings are the masterpiece of all masterpieces..

What could ever surpass? This combination of physical body.. With mind, emotions, motivations, Intentions, soul, spirit, -free will

And the awareness of these gifts with the internal ability to recognize, teach, and evolve and strengthen them..


You are an awesome God.

In Jesus name, amen.


At 8:29 AM, Blogger SHE said...


All of that makes me think again. Of actors.

Great actors. -they have a gift for understanding and jumping into different emotional experiences with athletic skill

But.. We are back again to an internal awareness..

The actor -knows- internally

When they are acting.. Even when their acting is very -real-

The greatest actor in the world

Will convince you.. Will appear on the outside

Will even experience on the inside..

The reality of another.


Even the greatest actor in the world.. While "inhabiting" another character

Knows internally they are inhabiting/acting

When they are not their authentic selves.

Who cannot be wow'd by this?!?


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