Thursday, May 22, 2014

"Smell of success..." Perfume line for (me!) Sandra, tvgp

.. In addition to, 'just B wear' my clothing line for writers..  I'm working on some perfumes. I love perfume!  But.. Very tricky putting on just the write amount..  With my current favorite, if I spray directly on..  Then do the carpool thing..  I notice everyone rolls down their windows and sticks their heads out for fresh air.  -too much?  .. So, what I've learned to do is..  Extend my arm out as far as it will go.  Spray one pump worth in the air; high up in the air. Wait two seconds while the mist disperses some and gently floats toward the ground, and then I just kind of walk beneath, and twirl..  
Light touch.  <------  oh! Potential name!   -anyway..  Once I employed this technique I noticed no one I drive to school had to roll down their windows and..  After I dropped off the kids a couple single dads invited me for coffee..

So, its not what you know, or who you know.. 

Its "just B wear" how you smell.


At 9:24 AM, Blogger SHE said...

Wait! I've got it.. "Just B wear" for my clothing line for writers and.. "Smelling B" ..for my perfume!


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