Tuesday, May 20, 2014


I sat to the write of the freakonomics guys..   Only interrupted them twice

-the first time, was when the one guy said something about 'no problem that hasn't been solved by technology..'. -or something to that effect..

And I smiled and said,  'excuse me please, pardon me..  But I just wrote about a man who thought his expensive, luxury car was the most important thing in the world until his sibling died of cancer.  In the aftermath of her death; his priorities changed.  People became more important than cars.

It was not technology that helped him evolve.  I just wanted to point that out.  -thank you..  Carry on...

/and they carried on..

The only other time I interrupted was when they started talking about their next book;

Golf stats.

"Excuse me please.. Pardon me.. Yes, but what a tremendous waste of your God given passions and talents..  How 'bout..  Instead of improving golf scores.. How bout

Justice for all!

Two people just committed the same high crime. Parking 3 1/2 hours in a spot with a sign that clearly reads 3 hours only.

Criminals!  Both of them!

Their fine is $45.

Same crime.  Same fine.   Justice; write?  Fair?

One person earns $10/hr.   The other, $500,000 a year.

For the $10 person the fine takes away from grocery and gas money.  For the $500,000 person,   -tiny inconvenience.

-same crime. Same fine.  But not the same consequence..

Solve.   Thank you!  Carry on...


At 8:07 AM, Blogger SHE said...

In order to solve this problem..

Any math problem in the whole wide unknown universe, for that -matter.

You must first have a...

Person. Let's use H = human.

But not just any H!

You must have a person who CARES.

Let's use the number... 3. We need a number.. And C is the third letter in the alphabet and the 1st letter in Care.. So why not?


But! Such a person H+C

Must also have "E". -which we know from Einstein = energy. And we know from life experience That we cannot add here.. But must, in fact, multiply: because in order to solve a great injustice you need a lot! Of energy..

H+CxE squared...

And even though one H might initiate action.. In all probability, it takes many..

So H(lots)+ (lots)C(E)=

Where X = social injustice

And the answer to this problem

Which IS solvable..

Lies in what elegant formula?


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