I sat to the write of the freakonomics guys.. Only interrupted them twice
-the first time, was when the one guy said something about 'no problem that hasn't been solved by technology..'. -or something to that effect..
And I smiled and said, 'excuse me please, pardon me.. But I just wrote about a man who thought his expensive, luxury car was the most important thing in the world until his sibling died of cancer. In the aftermath of her death; his priorities changed. People became more important than cars.
It was not technology that helped him evolve. I just wanted to point that out. -thank you.. Carry on...
/and they carried on..
The only other time I interrupted was when they started talking about their next book;
Golf stats.
"Excuse me please.. Pardon me.. Yes, but what a tremendous waste of your God given passions and talents.. How 'bout.. Instead of improving golf scores.. How bout
Justice for all!
Two people just committed the same high crime. Parking 3 1/2 hours in a spot with a sign that clearly reads 3 hours only.
Criminals! Both of them!
Their fine is $45.
Same crime. Same fine. Justice; write? Fair?
One person earns $10/hr. The other, $500,000 a year.
For the $10 person the fine takes away from grocery and gas money. For the $500,000 person, -tiny inconvenience.
-same crime. Same fine. But not the same consequence..
Solve. Thank you! Carry on...
In order to solve this problem..
Any math problem in the whole wide unknown universe, for that -matter.
You must first have a...
Person. Let's use H = human.
But not just any H!
You must have a person who CARES.
Let's use the number... 3. We need a number.. And C is the third letter in the alphabet and the 1st letter in Care.. So why not?
But! Such a person H+C
Must also have "E". -which we know from Einstein = energy. And we know from life experience That we cannot add here.. But must, in fact, multiply: because in order to solve a great injustice you need a lot! Of energy..
H+CxE squared...
And even though one H might initiate action.. In all probability, it takes many..
So H(lots)+ (lots)C(E)=
Where X = social injustice
And the answer to this problem
Which IS solvable..
Lies in what elegant formula?
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