Monday, May 26, 2014

"AND." A post to Fred Norman from (me!) Sandra, tvgp

"Congratulations!" -this is a beautiful, powerful collection..  As I am also familiar with the signature sound of your speaking voice..  I want to recommend also an audio version..

But In addition to thinking about, praying for, remembering and honoring our military men and women who died serving our country..

I am thinking about you, your lovely wife, this book..

I am thinking about how strange it was to me..  To have attended one of your peace rallies, and to learn how people were pitted against one another; even though their ultimate goals are the same.

That is..  There are some people who believe if you stand for Peace; if you are anti-war.. You are somehow betraying the people serving in the military write now, and their families.

That:  If you support people serving in the military.. You may not also attend these peace rallies.. And vice versa.

In my mind.. And in my heart..  Its the silliest, most counterproductive, unnecessary thing to create and then pit these groups against one another

When -of course!-  everyone can and does agree that the goal is peace and saving lives

That's what both groups believe they are fighting for.

It reminds me of how anti-choice and pro-choice groups are created and pitted against each other..

When I can promise you.. Both groups share the same ultimate goal: saving lives.

No one is:  kill for the sake of killing.

Everyone wants peace and life..  Life and peace; freedom..

The media tends toward grouping/pitting against..

But -in the streets..   Most people I know and talk with are hybrids sharing the same ultimate goals.

No one is shouting "more wars! We want more wars!"

No one is shouting "more abortions! We want more abortions!"

Everyone I've ever met would like wars to end..  And can simultaneously support the men and women who have and are currently and will in the future; serve.

Everyone I've ever met has wished for a reduction; in fact an end, to abortions.  -and can simultaneously support the write to choose..

Media loves to put either/or

Where -and- lives.

Loves to divide instead of unite..

But I can see the common denominators; the shared goals and visions, hopes and prayers..

We all want the life, liberty, freedom.. Necessary for the pursuit..

"To peace and happiness!"

And with gratitude to all who have died in the ugly process.

In Jesus name.. Amen.


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