K, so.. You know I have been trying to meet her, close up and personal my whole life it feels like..and 3 or 4 times, the same thing happened.. I write a letter I hope to hand to her.. I bring a book I hope to have signed.. And a camera for the picture I hope to have: Dr Maya Angelou and me! and every time the same thing happens.. I show up.. See her in the distance.. Listen in awe to her every word.. Laugh, smile, cry, smile... Look to whoever is on my left, or write, in front or in back of me.. "can you even stand how wonderful she is? How does she do that? Make everyone feel so valuable, like it's ok to be the human we are.." and that absolutely incomparable combination of voice, presence, content.. It is a deep down inside kind of pleasure to read her books.. but she must also be SEEN! And ... "everything around her is a silver pool of light.. People who surround her feel the benefit of it... It makes you calm. -She holds you captivated in her palm". <----- -="" -and="" -glide.="" -in="" -physically-="" -shame="" -something="" -there="" -where="" -wow.="" ...-already="" ...="" 125="" 50="" 75="" a="" about="" after="" all="" along="" am="" amazing="" an="" and="" angelou="" angelous="" another..="" aquarian="" around="" art="" as="" ask="" at="" attending="" author="" away="" back="" balcony="" be.="" be="" beautiful="" beauty="" before="" better="" black="" blues="" breath="" bridge..="" bridge="" but="" by="" came="" can="" car="" cecil="" celebration="" center="" chocolate="" christian="" christians..="" class="separator" clear="" co-founder="" come="" coolest="" countless="" cracked="" cracks...="" day="" december="" dedicate="" did="" div="" do="" does.="" dont="" dr="" dressed="" drove="" each="" enter="" entire="" equally="" etc..="" even="" event="" everyday="" extra="" far="" favorite="" february="" feeling="" firehouse="" for="" forgiveness...="" francisco..="" francisco="" from="" front="" get="" giant="" give.="""" glide="" gorgeous="" got="" grout="" hand="" handsome="" hate="" have="" hear..="" hear="" heard="" heart="" help="" her="" herself..="" hey="" his="" history="" honor="" hoping="" hour="" house="" how="" humanitarians:="" humility="" humor="" i="" identify="" in="" inspiring="" is="" isn="" it="" janice="" jessica="" jesus="" joy="" just="" k.t.="" kissin="" know="" knowledge="" late..="" late="" learning.="" learning="" legacy="" legends="" let="" like="" lines..="" list="" listening="" live....="" live="" lives="" living="" looked="" looking="" lost="" love..="" lyrics="" m="" magic="" married="" martin="" may="" maya="" me..="" me="" means="" meant="" meet="" member="" mirikitani="" month="" mosaic..="" motivations="" movie="" my="" n.="" next="" night..="" not="" now="" of="" oh="" on="" one="" open="" opera="" other="" our="" over="" p="" painful="" part..="" part="" people..="" people="" performance:="" performer="" physically="" poet="" power="" practicing..="" presence..="" presentation..="" presidents="" pretty="" pride="" prince..="" prince="" proposed="" pure..="" putting="" quickly="" rare="" re-introduced="" re="" really="" recognize="" remarkable="" reverend="" robin="" running="" s="" safe="" safely="" said="" san="" saved="" say="" says="" screens="" seat="" seats..="" seats="" secure="" see="" senior="" she="" sister="" skipping="" slash="" smile..="" snuggled="" so="" sometimes="" song="" spectacularly="" spirit-="" spirit....="" spirit...="" spirit..="" spirit="" spoke="" spread="" stage..="" still..="" still="" stories="" style..="" style="clear: both; text-align: center;" such="" suddenly="" sung="" sure="" t="" taking="" testimony="" than="" thank="" that="" the="" their="" themselves="" then="" there...="" there..="" there="" these="" they="" thing..="" thing="" things="" think="" this="" those="" though="" time="" to="" together="" too="" top="" touched="" transform..="" travel...="" troubled="" truly="" tunstall...="" up="" us="" valentine="" ve="" waaay="" wait="" wanna="" was..="" was="" wasn="" water...="" way="" we="" website:="" well="" were.="" were="" what="" where="" who="" wider="" wife="" williams="" with="" witnessing="" wonderful="" words..="" words="" work="" worst="" write..="" write="" wrong="" yeah...="" yeah="" year="" years...="" years..="" years="" yes="" yet="" you...="" you="">
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