I have had beautiful, unfortunately rare, exposure to a happily married, an intact family. More details on that later... For now all I want to say, is that every time I have exposure to spouses who actually love and respect one another, and intact families in general (I am never referring to -perfect- by the way..) this gives me hope. I experience hope. But it seems very often, too often, on the exact same day, I will have exposure to couples in the prelude, or middle of, or post ugly divorce. More kids (or pets even) being shuffled around, used as weapons so one ex-spouse can hurt the other.. And exposure to this always gives me.. Well, exposure to love, respect, happy intact families fills me with a sense of what's possible. "it's possible!" -and, exposure to divorce, dysfunction fills me with a sense of what feels like the inevitable... I have heard it said, social media is responsible for destroying a lot of relationships. I bought into this for a while.. But if you look a little deeper, which we all know I am highly inclined to do.. You can see that what social media does is REVEALS the truth.. So my heart breaks today for a couple who, on the outside, would have been viewed as having a "very solid, happy marriage" but who learned via the presence of a few online temptations, their marriage was like a house of cards.. Tap. Collapse. I've had exposure to conversations regarding all the ways in which cheating, lying, sneaky, people can navigate around in social media, so they can cheat.. But without getting caught; without consequence. The ugliness of this also breaks my heart.. But I am clear: it is not social media that destroys anything.. It only serves to reveal.. Reveal.. Reveal What was already true about a given persons character. And how fascinating... If you had the stomach and heart for it.. Would it be, to have access to all the overt and covert, social media communications... Human patterns of behavior.. The knowledge regarding who is 'staging' who is 'legit' who is deceitful.. Honorable.. Etc. -top coders have this access... I wonder what they're doing with it...lastly, I observe.. And remember.. Almost all the spiritual leaders of this broken world say the same thing.. Run from temptation. Avoid it. Do not entertain it.. Keep your exposure to the minimum possible. If/when you know you will cross paths with it..pre-set your heart and mind for victory over it. I myself have -hard lesson learned- how to avoid what I can see now as a series of very sticky traps... Set by very manipulative people. I'm not waiting for thanksgiving to be grateful for this clarity either.. To freedom from traps, from the manipulations of others with selfish, egotistical motives.. "thank you Jesus!" amen and amen.
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