Friday, November 01, 2013

GOD IS IN ON THIS ONE by (me!) Sandra, tvgp

How can I describe? How can I describe it? -when it cannot be described. Really. The internal distinction between when we do things on our own (flesh) vs. Things blessed or anointed by God (spirit) It is a personal -experience- an internal, -knowing- and, well, In the secular world, the secular interpretation.. Often success/failure or luck/misfortune or profit/loss, win/lose, serve as indicators. And they are; that's fair. But they are exclusively external indicators. We've all had exposure to heartless rich people who exploit for financial gain, dysfunctional popular people, winners who cheated to win.. Losers who should have won, etc. But.. My experience through observation, and personal experience suggest this: when peace, joy, love, service, honoring others and serving God are genuinely tucked inside the "motivation/intention/desire" to do a thing.. These things are from the spirit and anointed by God. So, i try not to be deceived by external, secular indicators.. I pray on it. And I could not -prove it- in a court of law.. But I have a couple projects, that I sure believe God is in on. And I'm not waiting until thanksgiving day to be grateful for that! "Thank you Jesus!" amen and amen.


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