Wednesday, August 22, 2012

"WHAT WAS HIS NAME AGAIN?" by (me!) Sandra, tvgp

This post is for anyone whose heart has been mutilated by someone they love. I bring you VERY GOOD NEWS!! Because in a recent effort to comfort someone else currently in pain, I recalled my own similar situation, from ... Several years ago... And I'll be damned if I could not remember his name!?! ...can you hear me? The same person who mutilated my heart, who left me crying in an ocean of tears, who I thought permanently damaged my heart and soul, the same one who caused me to vomit poetry on paper after paper.. Who nearly caused me to give up on all men and all romantic relationships..for ever! The satonic, diabolical evil male creature that introduced me personally to the darkest levels of hell. That one! Who once seemed etched in my psyche for life... Him! Honey... I am here to testify, that if you fast forward a number of years.. You won't even be able to remember his name! God bless.. God bless..God bless... Hallelujah and amen!


At 4:23 PM, Blogger Katherine said...

Hallelujah and amen is right!!


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