Sunday, August 19, 2012

SELF PORTRAIT REVISED by (me!) sandra, ttgp #selfportrait

oh! i messed up again! first it was the spelling of perry (parry). now it's the ending. i've already sent it out to a million people. i will not re-send it out to a million people, but must fix it here before i ... i don't know.. before i do something i shouldn't

i'm every woman ever born

i'm blessed. i'm loved. i'm cursed.

my quest: the soul of the fisher king

i want the soul of the fisher king

i must have the soul of the fisher king!

i'm gonna fuck that fucking fisher king!

~that oughta quench his thirst.

there. i feel much better. you?


At 4:11 PM, Blogger eric1313 said...

Wow! I feel awesome after that, thanks for asking.

This Fisher King guy sounds pretty cool!

And I hope you have a great new year filled with wonders to pique your glorious imagination, as well as much success in all of your endeavors.

Write like the wind, Sandra. All eyes are on you.

Peace out.

And thanks for the visit! Sing really has helped me to grow, hasn't she?

At 8:23 PM, Blogger SHE said...

1313/mr poetry: ..(blush)..

-just so frustrated having to correct that ending

driving me mad. twelve maybe's.

but, think i've settled on one:

i'm a fool in love with a fisher king
on a quest to quench his thirst.


finally! sheesh!

i hope you have a wonderful, inspiring new year also -lots of success-

i have been watching you grow.. reading your comments, your poetry..

beautiful to witness the process

art improves best on its own, at it's own pace, evolving through loving practice, in a way for which there is no substitute

and loving practice, -practical experience engaged in by a calling from the soul, and not mandatory for private, public or professional reasons - the evolution through this practice, is always richer and more engaging than borrowed or mirrored, or studied and applied technique

loving practice yielding the beauty, color, mystery, fragrance, life! of fresh flowers

technique, a mere silk replication; smooth maybe, but not original or real.

with you, with sing, with skinny

each original, real and in constant loving, soulful practice as individuals, plus informing and inspiring each other

add guest visitors to the soil

isn't the most spectacular garden forming

-God shining write down on each of you

and it shows.

realize i'm not saying anything you don't already know, or that hasn't been said in a different way, a thousand times

much like -life is not about the destination, but the journey-

so is art. most of the joy is in the process, the practice

each completed work a contribution to an ongoing evolution

keep letting it flow freely into an incredible new year

you are amazing!

much love, ~s.

At 6:24 PM, Blogger eric1313 said...

Thank you! I try--and all I have to do to try is let the words go wherever they will. They lead to some bright places, some dark places, high and low, under, over and in between the spaces.

The words are my master and I do their bidding...

Happy New Year!

Peace and love to you.

At 6:38 PM, Blogger SHE said...

Original post 07/19/12. And still more revisions... Think satisfactory version is in eat, write & exercise, but can't remember.


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