Thursday, August 02, 2012

Ask again! And again! Favorite ? For (me!) Sandra, tvgp


At 10:17 AM, Blogger SHE said...

And now for some (good?) reason the iPad will allow me to type a title but nothing in the body of the post. I have to come over here to comments...


Very well then...

You have the ability to be sincere, or insincere, phony or real, authentic or full of shit


Now, when you answer a question like, "do you like what I'm wearing"

You answer, -sincerely, let's say... And the person who asked questions your level of sincerity...

Inside... You KNOW -YOU- KNOW, whether you are really being sincere or not

But how do you know, you know?

What/where/how/why is there such a mechanism inside us?

-meditations on internal/universal truths from a budding theoretical thoughtologist /smiley face here.


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