Wednesday, August 01, 2012

"GIVE IT UP FOR (JOEY BRAGG!)" says (me!) writeousmom

it's not that school isn't important; of course it is. i'm all for an academic education. it's just that..

well, i'm arming my kids with God and a sense of humor. -that's the lesson i've learned.

and so when my co-worker/photographer friend monica mentioned her cousin was performing at our local tommy t's

and then mentioned that he was 13 years old!


put your homework to the side tonight children, we have something much more important to do!

and thank you to our connections, (only 2 degrees of separation), i was permitted to bring my almost 13 year old daughter, my 10 year old son, and 10 year old nephew inside this otherwise, 17 or over comedy club

my guess was that joey would be first on the stage, and then i planned to listen to maybe one more comedian... judge the rated~ness of the performances, and then make a call whether to stay or not

i guessed very wrong.

no, no..

first on stage was the emcee droppin' f-bombs from the nasty santa's r-rated sleigh like (fill in the blank for me here please)

oh my! /like when is this act over?

and then next up, was not joey again, but some other adult comedian with great material



i'm mean the sexual content! the rawness... yikes!

dear Jesus... i've done it again, haven't i.. i'm so sorry.

and i turned to see the facial expressions on my children's faces; my nephew's face, slightly terrified they'd be frozen in content-shock,

and instead turned to see them all wide-eyed, smiling, cracking up

"please do not repeat any of this on the school campus children... -k-"

"shhh, we're trying to listen..."

and then, thanks be to God, the next performer -at last! and finally, was the one we came to see:

the 13 year old joey bragg!

and i want to tell you that this handsome, charming funny-young man is worth the wait, the price, the ...anything/everything, to see live on stage

my goodness! he arrives on stage and delivers with everything

stage presence, material, timing, delivery

we just laughed, and laughed and soaked up his entertainment. -and much of his material was funny for adults by way of nostalgia , but so true to life, and write on for my children/nephew, his pre-teen and teen peers

school campus observational comedy, plus -jokes from events in last night's news

what a winner!

a great time!

and after he left the stage, -we left the comedy club, because...

based on my own observations it was about to go from PG17 to "what kind of mother are you anyway?"

but how wonderful that on our way to the car, all three kids were already asking to see joey bragg again

"i have no doubt we will!" i said with a smile.

now everyone go finish your homework.


At 8:09 AM, Blogger SHE said...

Originally posted 03/18/10.


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