Tuesday, December 09, 2008

THE PRICE OF FRIENDS by (me!) sandra, tvgp

rich people, you see.. they don't know what they're missin'

the fun! the adventures! the drama!

like the time my sister and i wanted to have a drink together at a local bar. like, really bad. it was one of those rare, rare, saturday nights when her ex-husband had their kids, and my ex-husband had our kids, and we both had a saturday night free

and all we wanted in the whole wide world was to hang out together, listen to some live music and have a beer

but we are both on what some people politely describe as very tight budgets. and we knew we could only afford one beer each if we could beat the cover charge clock, so first thing my sister did was call to find out when the cover charge started, then called me back

"okay," she said, "cover starts at 8pm, but their clock is ten minutes fast, so really 7:50..

what time is it now?" she says, "oh my! can you put your make-up on and be down there in like, 5 minutes?!"

and i, phone in one hand, mascara brush in the other, said, "YES! i'm painting my face and putting on my clothes at the same time write now! love you! bye" -click.

and i really did.. somehow.. brush my hair, paint my face, and hop my pants on, and zip up my boots and run out the door and drive really safely fast, and found a parking spot, all in like, under 5 minutes

and i'm walk-racing from my parking spot to the brewery when the stupid light at the corner -only three storefronts away, turns BIG FAT RED and i have to stand there, panting, waiting for a bunch of stupid cars to pass by gotta beat the cover... gotta beat the cover... come on cars! for goodness sake.. hurry up already!

and i did think about running in between the cars driving by.. a quick dash.. but then a STUPID POLICE CAR is making it's way around the corner, and i thought.. -k- maybe not.

so i'm tapping my feet, hands on my hips, waiting for the stupid animated walking man to light up, only.. exactly when the light changes, here comes a family to the corner, that i know

that i know but haven't seen in a long while. "hi sandra! how are you doin'"

and i realize in that moment, that despite the fact i was able to pretty my face, calm my hair, clothe my body, and drive my car, and find a parking spot, and make it three store fronts away from the brewery, all in under 5 minutes

i realize in that very moment that i'm not going to beat the cover. i'm going to pay the cover and enjoy a nice tall glass of water; on the rocks, please.

and so they ask me about me, and my kids..

and i ask them about them and their kids...

and the light has changed red to white five or six times by the time they go there way and i go mine.

darn it. those friends just cost me $5!

MEANWHILE, my sister has a race of her own going on. she's doing the same thing.. brush in one hand, car keys in the other.. gotta beat the cover. gotta beat the cover

and she speed-readies herself, runs out toward her car, only EXACTLY as she has the key in the ignition, and just before she closes the door, a neighbor comes over

starts in on what seems to be "a very important conversation!" -my sister tells me. and then with great animation, and arms thrown to the air, adds on, "about pigeons!"

and i'm just crackin' up listening to her tell her side of the beat the cover story

"ten minutes!" she cries, "for ten minutes she wants to tell me about pigeons!"

"lady.." -and of course she didn't share her thoughts out loud.. but she shared them with me.

over a nice cold beer, and with live music in the background. because despite the family i ran into and our ten minute visit on the corner of ray and main

and despite the neighbor that came to her car for a ten minute visit about pigeons. -somehow we both beat the cover clock. talked and laughed and danced together from saturday night 'til yawn.

and i was thinkin'

i was thinkin' how funny the whole thing was.. what an adventure it turned out to be and how much laughter it yielded

and when i read leonard stegmann's recycled post this morning about rich people, that's what it made me think:

how rich people; they miss out on these sorts of things.


At 11:21 AM, Blogger Jim Ott said...

What a great post! Just the lift I needed today. I can just picture you guys rushing and stressing and then dancing and laughing!

And isn't it so true that whenever we seem to really be in a hurry, that's when people emerge to serve as quicksand.

At 12:53 PM, Blogger Katherine said...

LOL! Sister and sister, glad you had that fun beating the clock and system. Nothing like it in the world, eh??

At 3:48 PM, Blogger SHE said...

ren man: thank you! somehow it did increase our appreciation for the taste of the beer, and the sound of the live music

and big YES on the quicksand law..

on a good day i say, "hey.. thank you man driving 15 in the 25.. you are probably saving me from getting a ticket.. or in accident or something.."

and on not good days i just honk real loud and cuss like everyone else

At 3:51 PM, Blogger SHE said...

kmg/bbf: -there's no such thing as an ordinary night if my sister's involved

always a little extra fun/a little extra drama

and i love her for it

and you too! ~s.

At 7:53 AM, Blogger KarmaLennon said...

Oh I do so enjoy this post. :) I always think about this sort of thing when I'm running late for somewhere for whatever reason. I just know there has to BE a reason, one I don't see. :)

At 9:47 AM, Blogger SHE said...

karma: -i have absolutely become a believer over time

-this moment is exactly as it should be..

but sometimes when i try and shift to this gear, i hear a little grinding

"to creating positive purpose out of negative circumstances!"

love, ~s.

At 4:28 PM, Blogger Dogmom said...

OMG I laughed so hard! You absolutely made my day! And, I really needed it. I can see the two of you every step of the way....mascara in hand, brush in hand....a red light here....a pigeon story there. Lady! Your sis's animation....OMG, I love it! One word....PRICELESS!

At 6:47 PM, Blogger FLRXMAN said...

I would have paid the cover charge if I could have watched you trying to get there

At 9:12 PM, Blogger SHE said...

sue-sue: thank you! it is my christmas present to be back in touch with you! so great to touch base, hear your voice.. catch up on old and new times

"to endless adventures!"

love, ~s.

8": thank you.. think next time we'll leave extra early and dress incognito

At 10:52 PM, Blogger Dogmom said...

And my Christmas gift as well....I certainly couldn't imagine a better one! I really enjoyed talking with you! It was like it was just yesterday....but, what made it better was....it was today!
To endless adventures...indeed! :-D

At 5:16 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Just a hop in to say have a blessed one over the season. I shared some amazing time with 360 students on an outreach - see the blog. Blessings Herman.


At 3:23 AM, Blogger eric1313 said...

This post deserves some kind of award.

How about the "ain't dat da truth" award.

But it would be nice to afford 2 drinks and not just one...

One day, you'll cash in, just keep on the write track.

At 8:01 AM, Blogger SHE said...

sue-sue: -you have flooded my brain with stories from our wild youth

who needs fiction? with our lives the way they were

next week maybe i'll post the bank robbery adventure and you can share your side of the story

~ my partner in (other peoples) crimes and our own innocent misdemeanours

At 8:03 AM, Blogger SHE said...

hg: i did stop by, and God bless you for the great work you continue to do

what inspiration you must find in those beautiful faces!

blessed season to you & yours also!

At 8:07 AM, Blogger SHE said...

1313/mr poetry: thank you friend! -i like to think we'll both cash in (all cash in.. so much talent here in the blogosphere!)

and see us toasting each other with tall glasses of expensive, delicious bubbly at our book signing/reading parties

"cheers! to our group world tour!"


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