Sunday, June 23, 2024

ACE up your sleeve? -sandra, writeousmom, topps

 the vocabulary preachers/ministers use most often is this 'God placed on my heart... [insert thought/idea/message here]'

so i will borrow their vocabulary.  this is a relatively new billboard near the corner of 10th and hedding in san jose.   it captured my attention; i read it..

and then God placed on my heart:   Recognize yourself?   Recognize yourself!

expanded and with the proper tone, it was like   -do you recognize yourself in this ad?  a person who is living beyond adverse childhood experiences   -then, recognize yourself!  the accomplishments

and quick as a calculator can calculate 2+2, i laughed inside...  like, 'adverse childhood experiences'

that's a little too soft...   

way too soft..

but i get it.   and part of me is grateful to not see the word trauma used..   the reason is because it was being severely over and incorrectly used; and i believe a high number of ill intentioned opportunists were preying on trauma victims for profit (not to genuinely heal them)  -but i'll save that  /although, i do not,  not question the authenticity behind this billboard campaign

here is what i know:   yes.  you can live beyond adverse childhood experiences; this is a fact.  i could be their poster adult and there are countless numbers of us, everywhere..  throughout the globe

here is what i also know:  'adversities' are hardly restricted to childhoods; they can be experienced all throughout life, from cradle to grave, as the saying goes

and i further know

everyone can live beyond adverse experiences; no matter your age

now,  -i have not visited in depth, and have no desire for an indepth visit, to the website address provided on this giant billboard

my not-at-all-secret way for successfully living beyond traumas and adverse experiences at any age:

Prayer. Jesus. Prayer. The Bible.  Prayer.  Bible Teachers.  Prayer. The Christian Life. Prayer. The narrow path

Rescued.  Redeemed. Restored.

Selah!  Hallelujah! & Amen!   


separate but similar subject:  i have come to know Jesus as 

the chain-breaker; the pain-taker; the way maker

     -and i know there are programs for 'children of alcoholics'

but when you have a 'chain-breaker'   -who consciously breaks a dysfunctional chain/pattern in a family

-how are we recognizing and learning from them?   children of chain-breakers


i am both the child of a chain-breaker; and a chain-breaker myself..

so far; so blessed

selah!  amen.


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