Thursday, September 22, 2022

MAVERICK; VOICE; WINGS by (me!) ~topps

LOVED THE MOVIE:  Top Gun: Maverick and, 
"i spied my lucky #!"

LOVE The Voice!  Excited for this new season..
and i would have turned my chair for every contestant
but..   favorite performance of the night:  Emma Brook

 CH!   and i have it printed out and in my archives somewhere.  gonna re-write here from memory for the pure exercise of it.    will later match it up with original and see the difference 15 or so years can make:

pretty sure about this:  i was living on augustine in pleasanton; woulda been between 2006 & 2009:

sat looking out my front window, and watched this black bird.. crow perhaps..  struggling to pick up a walnut from the street near the curb.

several times in a row it came close!  so close.. but the walnut would fall out of its beak and back on the street; and the bird would try again..  

not sure if i just thought it, or whispered it out loud, but at some point, i thought or said

  -bet you wish you had hands-

write about that same moment the bird succeeded in getting the walnut securely in its beak

and the bird looked write at me before it took off in flight

   -bet you wish you had wings. - 


and that experience is locked in my memory and i sometimes revisit it when i see a black bird struggle to get an object in its beak..  and sometimes i dont..  i let it pass.     -so, remind here, why i call cerebral hyperlinks; ~cerebral hyperlinks.   you don't always click it open; you choose whether or not to open and revisit that memory. 

choice.  -beautiful thing.    Praise God!   hallelujah & amen. 


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