Wednesday, December 15, 2021

"Freed People; Free People" (nancy alcorn!)

watched a recent conversation between joyce meyer and her guest, nancy alcorn

they discussed how 'hurting people hurt people'   -which is commonly said, and consistently true.

but i had not heard, " and freed people, free people"

and it is equally true!  and beautiful!

it is all over the place in the Bible, and in every self-help book of secular or religious kind.

people breaking free from strongholds/addictions/fears/worry/anger, etc.

and then teaching others how to do the same

such a natural instinct..  

and i've observed this over and over, what i wrote some long time ago now:

we come to earth with instructions.

what we love to do, instructs us on what we are here to do.

what suffering we endure

instructs us on who we are here to help.


yes. "thank you! nancy"

freed people, -they want so much to help free other people, 

John 8:36

If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

 hallelujah & amen!


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