Sunday, October 10, 2021

Dolphin Turtles Hummingbird Snails. Response essay by (me!) ~tops, writeousmom

 and so i grabbed my phone and readied it to take this picture..  and waited for the blurb to circle back around so i could capture it

and read it again:   .... phase out gifted, talented programs...     many educators say the gifted and talented programs 

     cause?      CAUSE?   discrimination at public schools...


let's revisit what discrimination even means:

       1.  the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex    [in this case, gifts/talents]

       2.   recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another


it is my experience, observation, opinion and thact..   (that's a theory so solid, it's practically fact)

that what the whole world needs, besides, love, sweet love, 


    -how can i teach?

   -how can we teach?    to observe, assess, recognize, respond beneficially to a child's abilities; physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, intellectual,  WITHOUT   -CAUSING-  prejudicial treatment?

the goal being  -to assess each child, in each category (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, intellectual.. overall maturity, etc) and help the given child grow from where they are, to the next level; unique to them.

the two things that come to mind for (me!), 

swim america.     and alden lane nursery.

i've written on the topic(s) before

at swim america, each child must meet very specific criteria before graduating from one level to the next.    -no exceptions.   it is not based on age, race, or any other thing

it is based on meeting criteria which demonstrates that, when it comes to learning how to swim, you must first be able to   -keep your head under water for a specific amount of time, for example..  blow bubbles, big arm strokes, kicking...

if someone (an outsider)   -judges, unjustly, unfairly..   "why is their child at level 8, and my child is only at level 2?!"

and if prejudice enters..     we can easily see that unjust/unfair has nothing to do with anything..

any and every child who can demonstrate competence in a given area is advanced.  period.

it does no one any good, at all, if we take a child who can demonstrate competence, and not advance them,  -to prevent causing discrimination (?)..  (silly;absurd!)


equally, it is downright dangerous, negligent, cruel, to take a child who has not learned how to swim, who has not yet demonstrated competence at level 2, and place them in a level 8 swim class.


this is not about unjust anything; it has zero to do with prejudice.  this is not  -causing-  discrimination.  it is not favoring one over the other, or ignoring anyone

this is about teaching each child, based on where they are when they show up, how to go from the level they are; to the next level.  one step at a time

if there is jealousy..   if there are hurt feelings...

all of this must be shown for what it is; jealousy/insecurity/immaturity..   none having anything to do with swimming competence; safety

i was then, (when my children were students) and am now, wildly impressed with the entire swim america organization; their teachers; their criteria; their teaching methods

for me, it serves as an excellent analogy for all areas of a child's education.

     -how do we help anyone, any student, by keeping them at a level they can already master?  be it reading, math, science, social studies, art..

     -how do we help anyone, any student, by throwing them in the deep end without an inner tube, if they have not yet learned to swim?

i am still troubled by my memory of visiting an elementary school, where in the same class, one child couldn't read past the title page, and other children were finished and on to another book, and the teacher is supposed to teach at all these different levels at once

it's a joke.

we still teach by age group and not topic.   i believe, our elementary schools should be organized, not by  -grade; 1st grade, 2nd grade, etc.

but by subject.   math, reading, science, art, manners, respect, compassion, responsibility, etc.

                 { how many smarty pants have you encountered with no manners....?   how many mannerly, respectful students, who can't conquer algebra?}

and, just like swim america,   -you assess each child for their level of competence/mastery or lack there of, in any given subject..   place them in the appropriate class, which helps them grow to the next level.

when,  and only when, you meet the criteria for advancement; you are then 'advanced'

   -and just by seeing, how some children thrive in this area; but not that...

some thrive in all areas; some struggle in all areas..

you can more clearly see, no need for prejudice/unjust anything..  the goal is the same for every single child:

grow from where ever you are write now; to the next level...

gifted and talented children, and making classes available to them; in my experience, observation, opinion and thact  

 this does not CAUSE discrimination: unjust, prejudice treatment    [ cause, noun, person or thing that gives rise to an action, phenomenon, or condition ]

it is rather, INSECURITIES, immaturity, lack of recognition, understanding of how unique each student is, that CAUSE unnecessary, unwarranted,  -this perception of unjust, prejudice treatment


what we are really left with, is the question

What  -CAUSES- insecurities?   how can we address the lack of understanding?


let's visit alden lane nursery; again...

like swim america, gardening, also serves as an outstanding analogy, for ways we can see and remove judgmental attitudes, while allowing each child to thrive; grow from wherever they are, to the next level

gardeners; nurserymen and women..

they do not  -judge-    /repeating from prior posts, i am aware..

plants, flowers, trees

they OBSERVE and RESPOND to the individual needs thereof

     -this one needs part sun/part shade, little water..

     -this one needs, all shade

     -this one, needs to be near, that one, to thrive and reproduce..

     -this one cannot thrive in the shadow of that one; it needs its own sun..

    -this one, thrives in the shade of that one...

    -this one needs lots of attention and water..  and sun...

    -this one attracts this specific bug/insect, which will need to be addressed, or the plant will die

    -this one attracts bugs, but the bugs are innocuous.. you do not need to spray or concern yourself..   

    -this type is perennial; this type annual

    -this type indoor only; this type outdoor only; this type indoor or outdoor...

it goes on and on and on...   none of these distinctions -cause- discrimination

      there are not insecurities, jealousies, prejudice, unjust treatments, or perceptions;

there is only..    observations, assessments of needs which help the gardener/nurseryperson provide the given plant, flower, tree what it requires to thrive.

       -note:  we do not tell it, dictate to the (plant) what it will need; it tells us.  observe; respond.


pause to consider here..  things that do,   -cause-   discrimination.    -race.. ?  well, race does not  -CAUSE-   but sure can be used as a springboard for unjust treatment and reactions..        

     -shall we phase race out?   or are we better off if we spend time teaching how to treat everyone justly, respectfully, despite our academic, economic, religious, political, racial differences

     -it is my thact..   that given human beings all around the globe have different I.Q.'s, financial status, personalities, abilities, skin color, faith systems..  on and on..   (my goodness, in one given family of four you can find enormous differences, where one excels another struggles; vice versa)

    -is it the long term plan then... to phase out anything/everything that results in immature/insecure discrimination between individuals and groups?

   -seems far more important to me, to teach how not to discriminate; teach respect; acceptance, understanding, the valuing of (not judging) each child, despite these differences...   celebrating gifts, talents...    not judging weaknesses, but recognizing them, and helping each other grow.. 


if and when we can learn to see each other, child to adult, the same way..

observing, with love..   responding with love

noting/observing/responding to the different needs, different skills, different talents, different growth patterns, 

and providing the optimal environments..

what it is we need to teach..    

we should not teach, hold this child back even though they've already mastered..

or, move this child forward, even though they struggle for a novice understanding...


what we need to teach is respect;

    teach understanding, as void of judgement as gardeners are with plants;

    teach an appreciation of level assessments, which employ criteria as strict as swim america, for advancing to the next level    -it is all for the protection and safety of the child student

and teach according to topic/subject/area; not age or grade.


  and our curriculums should include, listening 101; manners 101; respect 101; responsibility 101; compassion 101; honor....   integrity..     humanitarianism 101...     

"please" and "thank you.."    "i'm sorry"    "how can i help you?"


and my school...     my school teaches the fruits of the spirit


it is something i have come to really understand, and appreciate about Christian teachings (not exclusive to, but including)

every child is a loved and valued child.   it is not conditional..  love you/value you more if you're smarter; love you/value you less, if you are not   -silliness; absurd.

God does not make perfect people.   God is only love.   God distributes gifts and talents differently to different people, and at different times

and every one has a unique 'assignment'    -life purpose; destiny..

you get the great pleasure of discovering your unique gifts and talents..   "i can sing!"

or, "i sure can't sing..  but "i can write!"

and then, if you want a proven track record for successful, joyful, contributing lives..

take a look at the infinite biographies of people who allowed God to use them; put the very gifts/talents they were born with, and developed, to glorify God; the Kingdom.

or, better still!   and a Christian wonder..   but, also, an infinite track record:

weaknesses!   -not strengths, gifts, talents, but our very unique weaknesses used to glorify God.. 

          /let no person boast..   God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong.

so perhaps, in the secular,  -there is unjust treatment; jealousy; insecurities; judgement; prejudice; discrimination

through a Christian lens, however, in any given classroom, where you have advanced through struggling     -through a Christian lens, you see only..   

this strength can be divinely employed..

that weakness can be divinely employed...

no one held back; no one unprepared pushed forward..   everyone equally celebrated    - on the narrow path toward becoming their best; helping and loving others.

                      we are all connected and need each other; this is part of the overall design. everyone at every level can contribute.

                      if you imagine every human with the same one set of gifts/talents; the same one set of weaknesses   -the entire world as we know it, collapses.

                    the upshot of the whole thing   -you matter; no matter who you are..

so it is in the teaching, to each child,  how valuable they are; just as they are..  different and distinct from each other

     as each student gains this understanding, internally, unjust treatments, discrimination will naturally subside.

hallelujah & amen.


it would my suggestion for in class/student involvement..

          re-writing, discussing, swim america's requirements/pre-requisites for advancement

          re-writing, discussing, how each student is taught by the instructor to initially learn and then master given skill sets.

           discussing, students with strong aversions to the water; fears, phobias..  or utter lack of interest.

           discussing, prodigies..   natural swimmers...

           and of course!  every classroom should have some indoor plants..   and every school yard, a garden..    "and every tree!"

   i say with a smile,    "every tree on campus, known by name, in order to graduate..."


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