Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Super Thrive for Humans as considered by (me!) sandra, tvgp

 one of the -many!- things i learned during my 4+ years at alden lane nursery;  i mean, i remember i kind of stopped in my tracks the first time i overheard it

'transplant shock'

and i learned about products made available for gardeners that they could give their plants/trees/flowers when they were relocating them from one place to another to avoid transplant shock, which in some cases can kill the plant

we don't all relocate so easily  -write.

and i thought of how hard it has been over the course of my life time.. moving from here to there, and there to there..  there to here..

and i did it all without the benefit of super thrive for humans

    -but, my last two major relocations; major transitions  -they've gone extremely well

here's why:

i didn't just move from the room i shared at my mom & ricks house into roberts  -and now, 'our' house.

i spent one night here, and then eventually two nights in a row, then..   

next you know, i was staying 5 nights with robert, only two at my mom's..

until eventually i moved completely in   -and it seemed very seamless. smooth. natural. wonderful..

and now, if i may mention here my greatest Christmas present ever!  -the opportunity to join Robert in full retirement.

and now, it is feeling very seamless. smooth. natural. wonderful!    -but i didn't just go from working 5 days a week, year round to an abrupt retirement

I went from working 5 days a week, to 4...   then down to 3 days a week for a stretch, and then for the past many months I've been working only 2 days a week

beginning 2021.   Full retirement.    "Thank You Jesus!"   "Thank You Sexy!"

and it was sweet..   Jacquie, the owner of Alden Lane Nursery  -she came up to me, "didn't you read the fine print?   You are not allowed to retire before me!"   and she laughed and smiled.

It gave me another opportunity to share and remind her   -that i have worked in many different places and many different environments over the past several decades

and without a doubt, Alden Lane Nursery has the single best customer service of anywhere I have ever worked, or even anywhere I have ever shopped.   And!  the integrity!   business integrity!  I am so proud to work here

    ... to have worked here...

and in addition to the stellar customer service, business integrity   -there is something very good going on when it comes to hiring selection, because I have been working for, or with, or near some of the coolest, most knowledgeable   -just wonderful people.

and I will miss Alden Lane..  /but I sure won't miss the commute!   when i started i was living only 10 minutes away

and on the night before i knew Robert was going to invite me to retire completely   -on my drive from livermore to san jose, pitch black, with a little rain and the predictable selection of selfish, dangerous drivers on the road

i was praying to Jesus  "i did it last year.. and the year before that.. i can do it again and get through this season.. if i am driving it's because you have equipped me.."

and i was determined to keep going   -overriding a sober personal assessment which ended with, i'm not really qualified to be driving at night this distance..

but anyway  -hallelujah!  i am retired.    and i am very happy about spending every day with my sexy..  and very relieved to be off the freeways at night in the rain.

God is very Good!   amen.


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