Christian Generosity, Sanskrit Karma as viewed by (me!) sandra, tvgp
The hindu and Buddhist name it karma. I think on the whole, people, including seculars and Christians, are more familiar with the term karma; have more exposure to it.. exactly because it is a two-syllable word which translates into a larger meaning/definition. -and you already know the definition of karma don't you..
The Christians do not have a two-syllable word which encapsulates
but the same principle is definitely in the Bible -and two, out of how many examples can be found:
Luke 6:38, 2 Corinthians 9:6-7,
To my understanding though, there are distinctions..
karma -includes reap/reward for past lives in current life
Christians -current life, generosity/selfishness, in proportion to an individuals acts/deeds; but not just acts/deeds.. motivations/intentions behind acts/deeds.. so you can give, but if it is done without a pure heart, without a joyful, generous heart... if you are giving to manipulate, to be seen, etc. so, Biblically, -the heart always factors in; over and over..
and I do believe that is how I've written it, described it, on several occasions "our God is a God of hearts"
but, on the whole.. I have come to believe karma/generosity/selfishness -also a spiritual law:
spiritual law = something which applies to all of humanity; not a given faith, or seculars.. but everyone
and remember, fruits of the spirit; these are -spiritual laws
In Jesus', heart was always in his givings', name, amen.
and what did Jesus give, to who, for what reason... this is very affirming; very enlightening.
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