Sunday, November 22, 2015

The sickened wealthy atheist guy. as assessed by (me!) sandra, tvgp

yes i have met him. i have met more than one. i cannot share what i know; only what i believe:

i believe in God. and i believe that God would open the narrow door to an honest atheist way before he'd even hear the knock of a pedophile dressed as a priest.

my greatest concern for the atheist, is that they do not regard their life as a gift, and therefore  -gratitude for their existence lands where?   without a God, they are unable to view themselves as a masterpiece made with and for love.   -without a God, -they credit the existence and nature of love itself..  as what?  a spontaneous and random result of....   i would need one to explain their view..

and no fault of their own, -it is cultural; not spiritual, -but what happens, when there is no connection to God, no connection to the spiritual, only the cultural and carnal..    and where the individual is attaching their personal/individual value as a human being exclusively to what they do and how much they make..

well,  -watch what happens in the event those those two false value indicators are removed..

and, sadly, because those false indicators are regarded so highly, any human being the wealthy atheist comes in contact with, who does not possess wealth or status, are then regarded how..

also, it deeply effects intimate relationships:  because they exclusively see their own value as a human being attached to great wealth..   they are unable, -literally unable to believe or process the idea that someone can or will love them..  ;just because.   all thoughts seem to be, -i am desired because i have money..  or, more accurately, i am not desired at all; only my money...
and here is another sad truth

other people do only value money, and their value system makes wealth a magnet..

and so, the wealthy atheist can have their false, but deeply held convictions confirmed pretty regularly..

everything becomes..  this is only happening because i have money.. and there seems to be an underlying resentment and suspicion attached to every relationship.

i think every wealthy atheist hits a wall at some point:  where they are able to have any material object, and any variety of opportunities..   but just as there is an underlying resentment; there is an underlying emptiness..

all of this vs.:

the wealthy true Christian.   and sad, that I must qualify Christian with the word truth so frequently, but there are an awful lot of non Christians in christian clothing..

I do not need to write it all out, just reverse wat you read above: the true Christian is grateful to God for their life, their existence, the ability to experience love...  -aims to walk in love.  values others human beings without needing to know their education, address or net worth..   is able to experience authentic intimate relationships.. etc.

-be in this world; but not of it.   it is as if the bible ... the messages and passages and narrative, all speak to the idea, or fact.. that we are visitors.  the spiritual visiting the cultural/carnal..  

there is such an easily identifiable distinction between the two for me...   this world/this culture values this (name them.. money, appearance, brand names, popularity)

and true Christians value this:  Jesus as Lord and Savior, son of God; the loving guidance of the holy spirit; fruits of the spirit; a walk in love; prayer, service..


and so, i want to close with this:  i have come to know God and Jesus as being the most loving, the most healing..

and when i also learned recently of a young adult rejected by his parents for becoming Christian...


-because for me, that is the exact same thing as a parent looking into their child's eyes and saying, "I do not want you to experience love or healing"

I have no place inside me that can understand rejecting a person who seeks love and healing; that mystifies me...

In Jesus patient name,  amen.


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