Thursday, October 22, 2015

one fence. by (me!) sandra, tvgp

let those who have ears to hear.. 

this is repeated throughout the bible, and for very good reason..  as you can see exemplified in my letter to Eric swalwell,..  it is one thing to say, or sing, or write your point

and an entirely other thing whether or not your point is heard and understood and received and/or processed.

i have the pleasure of knowing in advance then: only some who read this will hear:

it is written in gratitude to God, for allowing (me!), -after who knows how many failed attempts

-for giving me an opportunity to respond differently.  to break a (word?) pattern in my life that despite repeated negative consequences, i continued to repeat...

because let me share here, and reveal the topic: i am no stranger to sex.

no stranger to casual sex; no stranger to married sex; no stranger to awesome sex; and no stranger to 'can we even call that sex?'

and my confusion in this area is well documented and so no need to repeat all that

"It was Giovanni!".  /oh, my goodness, everyone wants to know.. 

-best of the best..  he should be an instructor with a YouTube video to reach the entire male population:   how to..

k.  -because the entire female population deserves that level of pleasure..

But! serves as the perfect example of what I've learned about myself:   namely, that casual sex..  very temporary and detached has taken a toll on my spirit and self esteem

to be intimate, and then disposable is not in alignment with who i am at heart, and.. 

even though i know this truth, it hasn't stopped me from repeating the pattern:

until ...  YOU KEITH....  /in case you are reading this:

because there was certainly a time, not very long ago

/as in, you probably missed the old me by a couple months..

that by now, i would have already driven myself over to your place and made everything very easy and convenient for you..

the effort on your part would have been...  a phone call.


It will take much more effort on your part this time!    /3 phone calls at least!    /I kid,

because what I've learned is that

if a man doesn't have to put in a lot of effort


if you put up a fence  -at least one fence,

and that stops a man from calling

K.   I don't have the literary bumps worked out yet...   what I'm trying to say is,

now i have a fence. it is tall and wide, and not easy to get through.

and only he who climbs...

k.  this is not going very well for me...   but you know what I mean


In Jesus name, amen!


At 12:27 PM, Blogger SHE said...

Yep. God is giving me an opportunity to respond differently to a same stimulus..

I dont want to blow it..

Pray for me....


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