Friday, August 21, 2015

they missed (me!). -they really missed (me!)

..and it felt very,   -very!-  unusually, almost addictively,  -good.


so good in fact, i thought briefly about recreating such a moment again on purpose.  -I will never do such a thing, I'm only wishing to convey how special...


what happen is...that I changed out of my pajamas and into some clothes appropriate for the public.  went down stairs and said to my nephew,

"im going out with rick.. be back later..".  and i might have even asked him to make sure the porch light stayed on.

and yes, he was quite involved in his..  video game. creating armies to conquer enemy armies and fighting who knows how many elements and aliens along the way...

but he did look up.  we did make eye contact.  he did nod.


but apparently he did not actually hear me.


my sister: " where's your auntie sandy?"
nephew: "she went outside and will be back in a sec."

a sec went by. I did not return.  more secs went by...   and more.

"where's your auntie sandy?..   she was in her pajamas...?!"

and apparently a hunt began.  My car was in the driveway.. and I was not in it.

my keys were inside...   and my phone was inside.   so, my sister could not figure out where I would go 'for a sec' wearing my pajamas..   I was nowhere in sight of the house..

did she go for a long walk? In her pajamas?    and then she thought maybe my daughter picked me up..  and so called my daughter but I was not with her...

my daughter arrives to aid my sister in the hunt.  -they drill my nephew some more..  "what was she wearing?".  " what EXACTLY did she say?".   -and write about here is when she includes our neighbors in the hunt..  "have you seen my sister? she's missing..."

and my nephew thought I was wearing jeans.. and said I'd be back in a sec.. and my sister was certain!

and so she started digging through my dirty laundry and dresser drawers to see if she could find my happy giraffe pajamas..

and since she didnt find my happy giraffe pajamas in the dirty laundry, or my dresser drawers.. she was even more certain .. and even more concerned..

but write about now is when my daughter decides to check the phone I left behind...

and pretty quickly sees via text that I'm having a quick beer with my rick.   and everyone is relieved and happy..


of course, I don't know any of this...  I'm just at gay 90's visiting with rick.. swapping jokes and stories..  and return very innocently home.

and it is upon returning innocently home, that I realize immediately everyone is very... -very!-    like, unusually glad to see me.

did I win a prize?  What happen while I was away... ?  -there is an extra happiness in their eyes..  there is an extra squeeze in everyone's hug..  there is an extra something in the tone of everyone's voice..

I thought they were maybe all bursting with some good news that they couldn't wait to tell me..  "What is it?"

and then... and then..  I found out.. I was the good news. (Me!).  

I had not disappeared or been kidnapped by aliens in my happy giraffe pajamas. I was not lost or wondering around in the pleasanton woods somewhere -without my phone.

I was in my street clothes. home. Safe n sound after having a quick beer with my rick.

and the unnecessary scare and concern just made it so that they were all extra glad to see me.

but I have to tell you..   its a pretty awesome reception.   I would never suggest you scare or concern anyone unnecessarily and/or on purpose...

but..  Then again...

I sure did feel loved.   and feeling loved is a pretty awesome thing.

"Thank you!".   I love you too!

in Jesus name, amen.


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