Friday, August 07, 2015

In defense of planned parenthood, by (me!) sandra, tvgp

because i love my dad, and my country.. I watched the republican debates. and it seemed a hybrid to me.   part Groundhog Day Movie; same thing over and over and over...  We've all seen it, we've all heard it before...

and part last comic standing.


isn't it a process of elimination for most viewers? I won't name drop here, but I pretty much eliminated everyone...

The skill set required for this position!!  The candidate i would wish for is too intelligent to even want the job and so instantly disqualifies themselves by entering the race..  know what I mean?  .but I don't want to spend time on that write now..

My main inspiration is to just defend planned parenthood.  And worth repeating here, that of course I don't support criminal practices..  -if any one, or any group within planned parenthood is guilty..  or if anyone or any group within any healthcare organization, hospital, insurance company, etc. Etc, is guilty..  I do not support that behavior or those people..

but as I watched the debates, I realized that they were really zealously attacking planned parenthood.

and based on these debates, and their comments, if you did not yourself know better,

you might be left to believe that planned parenthood's services are limited to performing abortions.

while in fact.. planned parenthood makes birth control available and affordable and accessible  to a very large number of people

Who without available, accessible, affordable birth control

-may very well end up with an unplanned pregnancy. They prevent abortions!

If we were to look at the numbers..  the number of unplanned pregnancies planned parenthood is directly responsible for PREVENTING every year, day in and day out, is..    HUGE!

when you PREVENT an unplanned pregnancy... you also PREVENT all those individuals from having to make the agonizing CHOICE of whether or not to terminate their pregnancy.

IT IS THE MOST PRO-LIFE thing anyone can do:  PREVENT unplanned pregnancies in the first place.

and I promise you.. if the attacks ultimately result in the decline or removal of affordable, accessible, available BIRTH CONTROL

the immediate and direct result of that will be an increase in the number of unplanned pregnancies and therefore an increase in abortions.

and I further promise you..  if you add on top of that horrific scenario the removal of a woman's write to choose..

the immediate and direct result of that will be an increase is self-performed and black market abortions; it will continue but underground, secretively and more dangerously..

FINAL statement:  it seems to me, one of the things all people, of all political parties, and all religions can agree on, is:

preventing unplanned pregnancies in the first place is an awesome strategy and very noble goal.

So I repeat.. Planned parenthood is in the compassionate business of PREVENTING unplanned pregnancies.   and their success rate is very, very high in that area.

"thank you!" Planned parenthood.    ~amen.


At 9:44 AM, Blogger SHE said...

Work in progress regarding vocabulary:

Unplanned pregnancy.. short n simple but the net wrong.. There are numerous pregnancies unplanned and not aborted that result in beautiful meaningful lives..

unwanted.. short n simple, but again...

the type of pregnancies that do in fact result in abortion.. Name? Vocabulary?

unplanned; unwanted...

the type of pregnancies that do result in abortions.. -it has to do with overwhelm; fear of drowning; perceived utter inadequacy/inability..

but all of that is very wordy isn't it...

unplanned doesn't capture; unwanted, leaves out opportunity for adoption... And unable is the actual experience sometimes; not unwanted..

-the pregnancies that are terminated..

? where the individual decides against enduring 9 months of pregnancy...

beliefs? Motivations? Intentions..?

..more later...


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