Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Dearest ben carson, .. from (me!) sandra, tvgp

I just finished watching you on my charlie rose's show..   and I looked at your face..  and glanced at your title, and then, Yes.. recognized your name..

big fan of the movie, gifted hands..  grateful for your inspirational life story and noble service..

and so, .. then it crossed my mind how outside of himself excited my dad might be if I were to look deeper into a republican candidate..

and, well, that lasted all of about..  2 minutes.  -because only moments before investigating, I just had a conversation about how I support planned parenthood.

-that's write.  I support planned parenthood.  I do not support the criminal behavior of what I believe to be a small % of people who represent..     I believe we can fire anyone corrupt and engaged in illegal activity and continue with the highly socially beneficial, compassionate, caring, affordable, accessible, noble services planned parenthood was founded on.

certainly planned parenthood is not the only, is not the first, is not the last, organization to lose its way and hard earned good reputation over many years and decades due to the ugly and corrupt behavior/practices of one..

as a neurosurgeon, in the healthcare field, I know that you know, black market selling of body parts is hardly restricted to this organization.. it is widespread and horrific and should be stopped.

But to damn the entirety of planned parenthood, all the people they help all across the united states for how many decades? Is very shortsighted.

Do we not have corrupt police officers? Should we try and stop and/or close down every police department?

Do we not have corrupt politicians? Should we stop the democratic process?

Do we not have corrupt military personnel? Do we shut down the army, navy, air force, marines?

my experiences with planned parenthood are exclusively positive; as is so with many of my friends.. and people I have spoken with over the years..

Ive had no need or desire to watch said horrific and increminating video..

rather I know from life experience some very ugly behaviors and corruption within any large organization is.. Sad to say..  Not unheard of..

I believe our focus should be specific to the Individuals directly involved in corrupt behavior and not the organization..

-abuse seems pretty widespread in the NFL..   do we stop national football?

-there are athletes who are corrupt and win by false means in the Olympics.. do we shut down the Olympics?

you get my point.  I believe we should target specific illegal and/or criminal behaviors, and be very specific about targeting the individuals involved..    Not blanket targeting entire organizations.

Please do not dismiss and/or ignore the enormous value planned parenthood is to society, and has been, since they began..   based on the corrupt few.

.. keep a healthy perspective.     Blessings to you Dr Carson!  I understand all about prayer, and all about how God both opens and closes doors..

we share a strong faith.   -amen!


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