Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Dear Joyce Meyer.. From (me!) Sandra, tvgp

-been watching you for years...  I am a student of yours for life..  Love you, respect you, admire you..  Blah, blah..  Let me cut to the chase:

Today you spoke/taught again about ..  Staying somewhere even when you don't like it..  How, sometimes you are suppose to stay and stick it out even when you are very tempted to leave..

How, even if you are pulling out your hair.. Thinking "I can't take this anymore!".  And wanting to run...

You should stay.  God may be using that person or situation to grow you..

I get it.

But I am very curious STILL..   When you found yourself in a preschool classroom.. Working with toddlers..  You said " I lasted three days"

And then you ran.

You describe yourself as 'not anointed' for that position.

What criteria are you using when deciding when to flee.. When to stay and work it out?

I will take my answer off the air.  Yes.  If you could leave it in comments..  "Thank you!"

In Jesus name, amen.


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