Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Learning how and when to lie. By (me!) Sandra, tvgp

Honest to a fault.  -it fits me.  I've mentioned before.. My honesty is not born from morality or righteousness.  It is because I do not have, have not properly developed, what I consider a very important life skill.

I am not however 100% honest.. Its just that necessary lies, that come quickly, easily, and naturally to others..

They come to me very slowly, painfully, awkward..

I thought of this again when a customer came into the store.. A beautiful young woman who by appearance and behavior, I knew had down syndrome..  Or something on the spectrum thereof..

Entirely delightful to talk to, but I realized quickly she had absolutely no understanding about the value of money..

(Mine I would describe as limited).

She purchased an item which cost under $10, but when handing me a $20 bill, was not sure whether that was enough to cover the cost.

I let her know it was..  And provided her correct change.   She took my picture.. And I shared with her some of my found heart photographs..  

Anyway..  The way life is..   Even if you don't know something, you are not supposed to let people know.. That you don't know..


How easily someone could take advantage of that situation!

"No..  1 $20 bill won't cover it..   You'll need three of those.."

And she would never know.

She has to depend on the honesty and good nature of others; period.

Me too.   (See my green mile cable man story).

Maybe not to the same degree.. But to some degree for sure.

Because I realize this is true..  I've learned to ask a lot of questions and double check with people I know and love and trust..

"Is this one of those areas where its common for people to lie?"

And when the answer is yes..   Lie I do.   But I am terrible at it!

And the very word..  'Honest' can trigger a million memories in my own life..

The essense of them all the same formula:

"Sandra..  Why did you say that? (Or write that..  Or share that..)?!"

(Me!):  "because that's what happen.."

Them: "don't you know you're not supposed to share that even if..."

And mainly the reason not to share something true is because I can get taken advantage of..  to spare myself harm or embarrassment..

So even though by first appearance or behavior you might not peg me as having down syndrome

I function in life much the same way.  I have to count on the honesty and good nature of others; period.

Well,  and trust in God.    -he seemed to know we'd all lie at one point or another; or tell the truth when we weren't supposed to..

And didnt he devise the most brilliant plan for dealing with such matters..

Forgiveness.   Love.

What amazing concepts.  Thank you for coming up with those..

In Jesus name, -amen.


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