Wednesday, February 13, 2013

IMA SUPER WOMAN a poem by (me!) sandra, tvgp

i'm not a super woman
'cuz i can do all things:
husband, house, kids
the 3 circus rings

i'm not a super woman
'cuza my prestigious career
'cuza my college degree or body premier

ima super woman
'cuz i survived thus far
from inside a l o n g, tall
tight-lidded glass jar

filled with darkness
packed with smoke

ima super woman
'cuz i didn't choke

to death.

i'm not a super woman
'cuz i can act or sing
'cuz i'm a 'triple threat'
arms with wings

ima super woman
'cuz i survived thus far
reached out for God's hand
through the tight-lidded jar

wiggled and squirmed through
a poked hole in the lid

so narrow i couldn't fit through as a kid

ima super woman
'cuz i got out the cage

cast cares to the heavens
got wiser with age

ima super woman
'cuz i learned how to live

how to say 'i'm sorry'
and when to forgive

ima super woman
'cuz i'm not phony, i'm real

i say what i mean
and mean what i feel

im on my way to super woman heaven

ima super woman


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