Saturday, January 26, 2013

SUCH A PLACE EXISTS part 2 by (me!) sandra, tvgp

i'm inspired by recent conversations.. because there was a time i literally didn't know... DID NOT KNOW that such a place existed: (or had forgotten..) where when someone throws a mean spirited insult your way, you are not wounded nor offended. you immediately understand the origin of ugliness is with them, not you, and the insult has no power whatsoever to interrupt your beautiful day; it steals no joy, it robs no peace. they stay stuck.. and you.. you carry on. DID NOT KNOW that such a place even existed: where when you are faced with someone else's crisis -you see it as just that; someone elses. you are not overwhelmed with responsibility to solve the problem nor are you indifferent or apathetic to the situation. you are compassionate with a healthy boundary. AND/OR, with the ability to take ownership of a problem you are and should be responsible for, without falling apart, or wasting time resenting that the problem exists, or wasting energy being pissed off that no one else is coming to the rescue. and as mentioned in part one -a place where you are not addicted, nor exhausting all your energy trying not be a place where you can be confident, without being arrogant. humble without being weak. strong without being dominate. intelligent without being a know it all. ignorant without being stupid. optimistic without being delusional. angry without being hostile powerful without being violent. -self loving without being selfish. loving without being controlling. determined without being attached. spiritual without being religious. and you can be sad. mad. imperfect. confused. you can be those things! -your stumbles can be transformed into eloquent cliff dives and risk becomes something you embrace not avoid you are in the world; but not of the world.. liberated from the culture cocoon you were born into; surrendering in flight toward the mystery. beautiful; as is my God! we are so full of nuance... and how do we know when we have acheived any of the above? and based on what? do we know that above is worthy of pursuit? can you know without getting a sample first? without having the opportunity to dip your finger in.. and lick. because, with just the tiniest taste.. of peace. nothing becomes more worthy of pursuit. and it's just helpful, i think if you know in advance, as you head out on your individual, exhausting journey such a place exists. in fact -you were born there and there, you will return to rest.


At 6:35 PM, Blogger SHE said...


your self worth doesn't flucuate relative to the person next to you; rich or poor,


you can let your own light shine, without blinding others; and let other's shine without yours becoming dim


you admire without jealousy, and are envied without guilt


this list is infinite, add on at will..


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