The Heart Seen in santa cruz by (me!) sandra, topps, writeousmom #theheartseen
#theheartseen #santacruz
i do still LOVE when i come across "the heart seen!" and i have my camera phone with me..
and i do still LOVE when family or friends send me pictures of the hearts they've seen..
although i no longer take the time & energy to capture/add to collection/post w/credits and thank you's.
i still keep to my original code for the collection, which began in 2006:
only heart shapes not made with human intention..
but i no longer take a picture every time.. no longer spend the amount of time and energy i did in the past, organizing, posting, preparing for pubic display, collecting/thanking.. trying to grow it (world-wide!)
at one point, i really tried to turn into a business..
then just tried to keep a collection going, people could add to, at will..
used to want to try and market..
but now, i just, on occasion, and only if i happen to have my camera at the same time i see..
but it would impress anyone.. the amount of heart shapes i do see, that i just enjoy in the moment
and never take a picture of.. just think: i see.. thank you!
they are everywhere! and it still holds true:
never look for... only notice when.
selah! hallelujah! & amen!
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