Sunday, August 04, 2024

not FACT or FICTION.. FACT or OPINION by (me!) ~topps

must start by sharing:  the same way we all have a mechanism inside us that allows us to understand/know whether we feel obligated or inspired..

Christians have a mechanism inside them that allow them to understand/know when they are divinely requested to do something vs. just want to do something

i.e., i wanted to revisit the story i just posted about the gmail and grocery bag fees; it is funny to me..  a joy to write about and re-read about..

what i'm posting write now:   not so much because i want to.   my interpretation is that i'm responding to a request..    'obeying' if you will.   i prefer the word honor; honoring what's been placed on my heart

oh!  i can always hear secular people..   "She thinks God wants her to write about...."

well guess what

that's write.   and it goes like this:    first time i saw this car, i pointed to it; sent a picture to my son, a true car enthusiast

and my guess was that this car was a one-of-kind, custom designed, truly unique automobile, the likes of which i have never seen before; and thought it had a military look to it..

when we saw it again, in the home depot parking lot..   i thought it was the same car/driver when we saw it on piedmont

  -and true, that when we saw it again, in pleasanton,  -i thought it was the same car/driver from san jose, who just happen to also be in pleasanton the same day we were..

it does stand out,  this car...

eventually...    /which is my default processing speed in a nut shell

but eventually, i learn through a conversation here, and a conversation there..  observation here, observation there

like, oh!  it's a tesla...   they call it a truck..   it's not one custom designed car..  there are many of them, and in different colors..


fast-forward to our recent visit to carmel, where in the downtown area there is one of these vehicles parked 

and as we were walking near it, a lady came up to us, and i wont use her actual dropping F bomb words, but essentially, she said, 

"This is the ugliest MFin car ever made..."    and i said, 

i said with a smile, 

i said, "it's not your taste."

and she shared her opinion like it was a fact, several times, 

and i repeated myself too, each time, "you mean, it's not your taste.."


"so, it's not YOUR taste...."

we did end up talking about other things..  and she shared about being from the area, and recommended the restaurant we ended up enjoying.. porta bella  -dog friendly; wonderful, 

but also, while we were still there talking, the driver and (family/friends?) came up to the car, and got in

and i looked at her, and said, 

it is THEIR taste though...


selah!  hallelujah & amen


 just in case i've left anyone confused about fact vs opinion..

Christy's Donuts, on the corner of N. Capitol & Berryessa has THE BEST DONUTS IN ALL OF SAN JOSE!!     -fact.

hallelujah & amen. 



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