Thursday, November 17, 2022

LIGHTING UP SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA vision gifted to (me!) ~topps

i think it was Milpitas, actually, when i had the vision.  New Vision Church, I think..   and we driving in the neighborhood at night, and their cross is lit at night.  A beautiful glow...    and i was gifted a vision  -as i say in the letter, it is the type of vision that you do not even need to close your eyes in order to see, 

and  -how beautiful!-    if every cross, on every church, in the entire city of San Jose was lit at night!

and i especially like to juxtapose this vision, for elevating San Jose's status on the map,   -against, the City Council's vision for a landmark

because I was just reading about how much money..  and how much time, and how much debt they put us all in, building a new city hall

and, all i can say about that is,  -not very financially responsible; and perhaps, more unfortunate than that; because did it even accomplish what they hoped?     -personal opinion only, but i think the sonic runway is the best part of the new city hall area, and that was an entirely separate installation by artists.


i love my vision, slash, idea for getting san jose on the map  -giving it a bright distinction; a tourist attraction of faith, hope and love!

but, i am also aware, and grateful:  San Jose, in is California, which is in the United States of America where we constitutionally have, 

-not freedom from religion, but FREEDOM OF RELIGION!!  [insert American Flag and fireworks here] 

and so, while I am a Christian, and my vision is of Christian Church Crosses being lit up

HOW AWESOME if every building, of every established faith, LIGHTS UP!   i.e., we were just treated to special desserts by our Indian Neighbors who were celebrating Diwali.   Turns out from my minimal research, the background includes a battle between good and evil, and good winning, results in a FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS

   -i see the common denominator; don't you..

good vs. evil,   light over darkness..

so, while my initial proposal was exclusive to Christian Churches..   my ultimate proposal is for ALL ESTABLISHED FAITHS in the city of SAN JOSE to LIGHT IT UP @ NIGHT

and now, can you imagine..   driving in the evenings from here to there; taking guests, visitors, to see neighborhoods lit up by FAITH..

the attraction to artists, photographers, travelers..   the view from the air when arriving in San Jose at our Airport...

Now, I sent I don't know how many letters out, to how many churches.   It doesn't seem like a giant ask..

but I have not heard back from even one.    Yes, our cross is already lit; or we are talking to our congregation about it; or, we are unable; or, we can do led string lights...   or, we can light up at Christmas, 

NOTHING from anyone; not one response of any kind; utterly ignored. 

WOW.   -city hall as a landmark, and gazillions in debt,  and it is in an isolated location..

but, the light vision:     a. looks beautiful   b. would be everywhere, in all 10 districts    c. cost next to nothing; in comparison   d.  is a unique magnet of an attraction; setting us apart, making us special for residents, visitors, guests, tourists..

So  -I've emailed, I've written, and I'm posting here.

There is a saying in Christian speak:   You do what you can do; God does what you cannot do.

So, In Jesus Name..     this vision manifests!  WE LIGHT UP SAN JOSE    hallelujah & amen. 


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