What Racism Is.. and Isn't by (me!) ~tops
for fellow Christians; it is no mystery at all.. but I suppose if you are in the secular realm, or perhaps other faith systems, it is harder to explain
I have the thing i want to write/blog about: Football trifecta tomorrow: Raiders, 49ers, Vikings, and my sexy's predictions
and then there is the thing I most certainly do not want to write/blog about, but am interpreting that I am being spiritually assigned to write about.. racism. Like, please no....
And it reminds me immediately of Joyce Meyer, i will paraphrase "I didn't want the topic of suffering.. who wants to teach on suffering? But that's what God wanted... and so, today I'm going to teach on the topic of suffering
-by whatever mysterious means those heavenly messages are sent and received
I am in receipt,
so here we go:
what racism is, and isn't; because the people need reminded:
if a person has a lousy work ethic; does not respect the policies/procedures of a given business; has a bad attitude, is uncorrectable and unaccountable for their actions -when this person is let go, fired, or demoted
if a person crosses the street because they experience internal unease when they see a stranger(s) approaching on the same side
if a person who is entirely capable of working, takes advantage of the welfare system, and is held accountable
when one of two different race people, equally qualified for a position, is hired;
that is more often FAVORTISM.. not racism
when a person steals from a store, and is arrested; that IS NOT RACISM
when a person sells or uses drugs and is arrested; that IS NOT RACISM
when a person loiters, peddles, and/or vandalizes property and is arrested; that IS NOT RACISM
when you observe and share the demographics of an event, neighborhood, or culture; that IS NOT RACISM
when you chose a safe environment over a dangerous or hostile environment -for home, or school, or work, or recreation; that IS NOT RACISM..
i could go on and on.. but will stop there.
RACISM is when a given race of people are UNJUSTLY mistreated based EXCLUSIVELY on their race.
SEXISM is when a given gender is UNJUSTLY mistreated based EXCLUSIVELY on their sex.
AGEISM is when a given person/people are UNJUSTLY mistreated based EXCLUSIVELY on their age -it is not UNJUST to deny an 8 year old a drivers license; or to take driving privilege's away from a 99 year old no longer qualified to drive safely
and there are more 'isms of course..
but i am under the impression i have fulfilled my spiritual obligation to write on this topic, and am excited to write about "football!"
hallelujah & amen!
wait.. i'm divinely inspired to share why, after recording and watching CBS's Sunday Morning show, for decades. I stopped all recordings and will watch no more
the specific show which turned my stomach, mind, heart, soul to such a degree, that i immediately terminated all recordings and lost all interest
it was the segment which featured the Andy Griffith show as -racists.
My good God.. we do have real, legitimate, genuine racism which we should always be educating away...
but, to insert it.. where it absolutely does not belong; to taint, pollute, good shows, good people, good values
hideous; so counterproductive i cannot itemize the ways..
but, i believe we see this because the topic itself..
and i am briefly remembering my former mexican co-worker.. who shared with me, about -knowingly/consciously- using the racism card against someone who was clearly not racist. and when i asked 'why on earth would you...?"\
the answer: "because it works."
but there you have it.
amen & amen.
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