The vaccine debate has little to do with ignorance says (me!) ~tops
-for the record, we are vaccinated. but, when i come across people opting not to get vaccinated.. and they get bombarded with 'science' and 'statistics'
i think to myself.. but this is not about facts and figures; it is not about their ignorance
it is entirely about trust; distrust
ignorance can be overcome within one conversation, if you have a willing student; and competent teacher
but earning a person's trust....
and let me amend that further, because corrupt manipulators can earn a person's trust; by strategy; with ill intention
but to, legitimately, with pure motives, earn a person's trust..
and so,
based on this knowledge and understanding -it is unrealistic to expect overnight results where years worth of questionable events/motivations have and do currently exist
i am not at all shocked or disturbed even, when i see people adversely respond to science/facts/figures regarding vaccinations
some people respond to this issue of distrust, as if they are dealing with ignorance, and so,
throw even more science, facts and figures.. louder... and LOUDER
but it is not about lack of knowledge or understanding; it is about lack of trust.
trust can only be earned over long periods of time.. it takes consistency; honesty; accountability.. testing.. retesting... credibility, integrity, truth -proven time and time again...
and, i am hopeful, you can see my writing is not about being for or against...
my exclusive aim is to point out it is a waste of time and energy to employ efforts toward correcting ignorance; when the issue is distrust.
i remind here -my great fascination with all things human, which cannot be x-rayed, which cannot rely on spit, urine, blood samples.. things which cannot be surgically implanted or removed..
my fascination with spirit vs. flesh
my fascination with our thought lives..
my fascination with our 'feelings' lives..
my fascination with our 'inner' life in general..
i have conquered (permanently; it seems to me) many obstacles (the enemy) placed in my life path; thank you here to Jesus, and Bible teachers..
and i have conquered (temporarily) others;
only to have them resurface; re-present themselves.. and back to the Word, to the Bible, to the lessons I return
in a generic way.. i can say, i do not battle any thoughts regarding any level of ill will toward others; i do not battle tempers out of control; anger; addictions..
my recurring battles have almost exclusively to do with insecurities... and when my life is considered on the whole; this should come as no surprise
but insecurities; like trust.. these cannot be xrayed.. surgically implanted or removed.. -there is no pill for..
and in turning to God via prayers..
not medicine; not 'the world'; not self-help books scribed by secular authors..
God; prayer.. this is where i experience, so slowly, incrementally, but unquestionably
-glory to glory
Though I walk (live) in the flesh, I am not carrying on my warfare according to the flesh and using mere human weapons. For the weapons of my warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds.
2- Corinthians 10 3:4
my interpretations of internal experiences via prayer as of late, lead me to believe, that God is doing
-continuing to do
a great and complete work in me. -that even some 'issues' i learned to live with; accept.. of not great consequence in the bigger picture..
that even small things; light afflictions; low-key strongholds
God is even -one by one- removing those.
i am so amazed and grateful it brings me to tears.
2 Corinthians 3:18
Philippians 1:6
hallelujah & amen.
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