Sunday, November 14, 2021

When I Die (me!) sandra, tvgp, writeousmom, ~tops, the cute chick from hayward...


not 'if'  -write, but when.  the unknown way and time...   

when i die.   i do not want to be buried in a cemetery.  i do want to be cremated; after any donatable body parts are donated.   and a portion of my 'cremaines' to go up in a firework display.  a colorful celebration of life

i do not want a physical place people need to drive to, to pay respects or visit.   it is sufficient for me personally, that if you love me,  you have a picture of me somewhere in your home, office or wallet.  and if you want to pray, visit, pay respects; just look at the picture.  any balance of ashes scattered in the ocean.

my spirit will be loving, guiding, whispering from heaven, to earthly loved ones with gratitude, encouragement and joy.

in Jesus name,  amen & amen. 

/this post inspired by recent conversations with friends; each sharing their personal wishes..  family traditions/religious practices, etc. 

one thing everyone agreed on..  how helpful it is if family members do know..  and do not have to guess..  what your wishes are regarding your own death. and how much stress can be eliminated, reduced if there is a will; if the paperwork of life is in order.



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