Saturday, March 13, 2021

Q: What do silver bullets make you think of? overheard by (me!) sandra, tvgp

 well, this is quite timely isn't it.  i had my temporary crown removed, and permanent crown put in place on march 11th, 2021.    -this completing the last of the 'major' dental work i needed to get done, after a 15+ year 


from any dentist office.


my sexy..  he will often watch tv at night to help him fall asleep.   i usually have my eyes closed, but still listen some, as i fade into my own slumber.    and because i'm not watching with him; he will use this time at night to watch movies he knows i don't mind missing

i.e., scary movies


just last night, he was watching...    and i had my eyes closed, but i so distinctly heard one character say to another..   "hey.. what do silver bullets make you think of?"

and i popped up, smiling at the irony..  and i said to my sexy with a smile, i said, 

"i'm going to need that for a blog post..   mark the time of this scene...  let's get a picture"


this morning, we re-visited the scene, and i gathered the details:

movie:  Late Phases: Night of the Lone Wolf

genre:  Horror, Action, Drama

Dark Sky Films & Glass Eye Pix

         ...about 55 minutes into the movie you can catch this dialogue:

the blind veteran/ambrose:   "Hey, what do silver bullets make you think of?"

westmark:   "Me?  Lone Ranger.  You ever see that? Vigilante, fighting for justice and all that.  He used silver bullets.  -something about how the precious metal stood for the preciousness of life.


but my answer to the question:    write here.


wow! to how awesome it is to have the silver removed from my teeth (again)!!  giant "thank you!" here to Doug Takeuchi DDS, his amazing team; and to my sexy, for pickin' up the tab.


i recently had a discussion with my mom and daughter about flossing.   -they were each saying they wished they were better, more consistent with it

i shared that i have become a 'flossin' queen!'     -because there is no way i could let my sexy pick up the bill, and then not take extra good care of the teeth i've been blessed to have restored.


rescued & restored on the inside, "thank you Jesus!"   and now on the outside too...

hallelujah & amen.


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