Sunday, September 13, 2020

"We Did It!" 17 million mile scenic bike ride (sexy! & tops!) #monterey #bikeride #17miledrive #pebblebeach


brief recap:

from el estero to pacific grove/lovers point: Best Bike Ride Ever!

from el estero to pacific grove/lovers point and on to asilomar state beach: Best Bike Ride Ever, Ever!

from el estero to pacific grove/lovers point to asilomar and then on to bird rock of 17 mile drive:

Best Bike Ride Ever, Ever, Ever!

from el estero to wharf (restrooms!) pacific grove/lovers point, on to asilomar, to bird rock (restrooms!) of 17 mile drive and then on to seal rock, fanshell beach, sunset point, lone cypress, pescadero point, on and on to pebble beach (bathrooms, rest, water, pray) up and up and up in lowest gear...  with no bike lane on very narrow two lane winding mountain...   

getting off and pushing bikes uphill

"hey sexy..  if someone driving by in a truck offers to load our bikes and drive us the rest of the way... i'm going to say "YES, PLEASE & THANK YOU!"

landing at sunridge exhausted   -with more uphill to go

"are you mad at me for getting us into this?"

"no tops, i'm not mad at you...  kiss/kiss    ... it has to go downhill -somewhere.  it just has to..   and all i know is i hope this only goes up and then down, not up, up and then down and then back up.  i want to get all the up part over with"

eventually back on our bikes, peddling again...

to "Lopez!"

and rewarded with a long stretch of downhill coasting through thick foggy neighborhoods


"Sexy... i'm so glad you coached me through the tough part!  We are going to do this!"

/and never do this again.


in the year of 2020, many people will first remember the pandemic and the fires..

but i will remember our 5000 mile drive to james lick observatory

and, -our 17 million mile scenic bike ride from monterey to carmel and back

in both cases, i didn't really know what i was getting us into, which is the only reason we did it..  and i'm so grateful "we did it!"...  with zero desire to ever do them again.    one & done's we call them.

In Jesus Name,  Wow! and Amen!


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