Joyce Meyer's Secular Song.. as heard by (me!) Sandra, tvgp
-remember how i projected/selected secular songs that represent our 3 favorite tv pastors
i had, "happy" by pharell williams for Joel Osteen
and then, "killing me softly" for Bishop T.D. Jakes
but then, for Joyce Meyer, I couldn't quite land on one.. and I've been **exercising patience.. -because i knew I'd know it once I heard it
and it was actually when i heard, "For once I have someone I know won't desert me.."
that I realized "that's her song!" -because if you know her life story, it includes being emotionally abandoned/deserted by her mom, sexually abused by her father, and then, her 1st husband literally abandoned her several times ( new mexico and oakland, are two places i think i remember her mentioning by name)
but God, and her current husband of 40+ years.. she knows wont desert her
and then when i read the lyrics in their entirety, i became certain.. just perfect!
so, Joyce Meyer's secular song is For Once in My Life by Stevie Wonder.
** and now, i've been inspired to write about..
well, to share this analogy: when you work out, and lift weights, for example.. if the weight is light, you can lift it easily for several times.. but then, even if it is light, after so many repetitions, you will start to "feel" it -and that is when you are growing; improving; getting stronger; -when you push through the reps you can feel in terms of resistance and struggle
and what i've come to appreciate, is that we have the same experience when it comes to exercising fruits of the spirit
so, if you are in the express lane, and no one is in front of you.. that's like lifting a light weight once (no resistance)
but if you are in a long line, and have to wait.. and then another obstacle comes along and you have to wait even longer
when you "feel" impatient, (resistant to waiting any longer) but push through and past it; that is when you are growing spiritually
and just like with the flesh, everything is easy if you are doing nothing; and if you do start on purpose to exercise, it seems hard at first; and then as you STAY IN PRACTICE; things that were super hard in the beginning get much easier
and in the spirit, the same is true -if you on purpose, begin to exercise and develop; to manifest the fruits of spirit in your life -you recognize when you reach a point of resistance; and then push through; that is when you grow/improve spiritually
flesh and spirit -they both need regular exercise
stay in practice. and when you walk in love; you accomplish both simultaneously. hallelujah & amen.
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