Monday, February 29, 2016

"Congratulations!!" to my (squidmann!!). from (me!) ~s.c.

-also sent via email..    check 'em out:  "18! books on amazon!"


briefly share some literary history here:  Leonard introduced me to the blogosphere..   and, honey.. I just could NOT BELIEVE! how awesome it was to read..  "AND RESPOND!"...   -the whole comments section thing was for me..  (me!)

the very definition of heaven on earth.  add on.. how much FUN to read and respond specifically to Leonard Stegmann..  because, well, he's super funny..  and his rather...  how can I say?   outdated view of the female species..  

Very familiar; just like my dad and brother...  his humor and objectifying..   next of kin.   Maybe if we did a genealogical study we'd find out we are related by more than words and attitudes..

anyway..  do you know..  

I read AND responded to Leonard stegmann's blog posts

nearly everyday for NINE years!   and as a writer..   if I were to graph out the internal joy experience,  -really it is higher for me when I'm reading and responding than when when I'm laying the foundation..

although, certainly I enjoy laying the foundation also, as evidenced by 10 years worth here on my own blog..   write.

anyway..  what happen was..  when Leonard started officially publishing via amazon..  one of the requirements was that he could not also have those same stories already published online.

so.. no blog, -you see..

he is learning this info, at the same time I am searching/courting literary agents and publishers..  with the pitch that Leonard and I are "the 21st century 84 charing cross road!".   -9 years worth of 5 day a week very entertaining exchanges!

I know sooner get a bite on the line.. I was casting out again and again and again..  

that I look at Leonard's blog...  and



the entire 9 years worth of archives... 

GONE; VANISHED;    -as if it never existed..

well, I was just as certain as Jesus is the son of God, that there was a terrible virus that came and wiped all that revolutionary and entertaining article/comment off his computer..

so I contacted him very concerned..

that's when he explained he could not publish the 18 books you see in this picture unless he unpublished all the blog content..  the whole 9 years worth!

and so, at the same time I did understand..  

and I do understand.

but at the same time, I understand,

it was so painful to see 9 years worth of my comments so quickly and easily removed; unpublished..

I  never visited his blog again.  Too hard..  too hard..

I just wished him well, and we've exchanged some emails..  And him and his wife do send me heart seen contributions which I treasure...


now,  I am in a similar situation,  and literary just discussed this with my beautiful friend  Carla over our mutual February birthdays lunch celebration..

Because I am once again courting literary agents..   Here's part of my pitch

"... ~ ready now to condense, sculpt and organize my over 10 years worth of creative non fiction blog posts."

and I know in advance, agents and publishers don't want a writers writing already published somewhere else..

and they consider anything in a blog, already published.

-but it is exactly the ten years worth of blogging + my 9 years of reading and responding that has allowed me to develop, grow and improve my craft...

and! as a writer, as a human being, and an artist..   I like the raw and real..  

my dream of dreams is that both are made available:  a compelling and entertaining memoir, which does in fact condense, and organize in a more reader-friendly format, my disorganized slice of life stories..    and which is also a source of income..

And! My blog remains..   as a source of authentic validation..  and a means for seeing my growth as a writer and human being and Christian.

the platform..  the blogosphere..  is so revolutionary, it needs revolutionary agents and publishers also.   what we have now is a new platform adhering to old rules and laws....


I work with advanced knowledge that this may take a little longer than for writers without blogs..

which makes me grateful for my church TV today:  Joel osteen with his, "set time" message..  about when God speeds things up...   and sister Joyce Meyers, with God providing energy and patience and peace beyond human understanding..  and! One of my favorites.. Bishop T.D. Jakes with Jesus/God as the ultimate gift..  and that gift is LOVE..   which is a force nothing can stop...

I know its all true!

In Jesus great and powerful and patient name..   hallelujah and amen!   xoxo


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