Friday, October 09, 2015

Any day now... by (me!) sandra, tvgp

any day now i will receive a very exciting

-very expensive

letter in the mail.    how do I know?  -because I get them all the time!  (Me!)... with a credit score of 2.   and they all say the same thing:


now, for over ..  [2015-2007...] 8! years now I have auto~matically tossed these letters in the trash can.

please forgive.  I mean, the paper recycle bin of course.

but there are a couple things going on with my famous writeousmom~mobile these days that are encouraging me to maybe open and read the details of my pre-approved auto loan:


1.  -I have been without air conditioning for 3 years now..  because the diagnoses was not..  the inexpensive/obvious fix..  -of course... "The problem is deeper than that..  ".  -requiring more money than I have and more than I'm willing to save for..  

so I sweat for free, without even having to exercise..   its like my very own portable hot sauna on wheels..

2.  a strange glitch creates it so that sometimes..  -not always; but sometimes..  when I put it in reverse and step on the gas, it does nothing.   But! if I put it then, into drive, and move forward 1 inch, and then put it back in reverse and try again...  back I go.   Works fine..   but how long before I need to put it in drive, then reverse, then drive, etc.    -and I am with some concern the gears have acquired a stubborn mind of their very own..

3. it has on multiple occasions now, sputtered and stuttered, and jerked back n forth when I am just driving down any given residential street going 25...

and  -please..   nothing

NOTHING would be more embarrassing to me write now than to have the damn thing break down on me 3 houses down from where "I think I remember where Keith lives!"

women need reliable cars for stalking...  


now.. I'm torn here...   Audi convertible, which I have dreamed about for

ever.   Or, .... I think what I really want is a jeep!

so, I keep rubbing the dashboard and talking sweet to my 2007 Saturn hybrid vue..   "Hang in there baby.. 

we've got kids to get to school..  a job to get to.."

but I'm thinkin' it might be time to

open one of those envelopes.


for 8 years worth of reliable transportation and every fun memory -cool place -great experience the Writeousmom ~mobile has provided

/see please: the fake tow truck car stealing operation..

a prayer of gratitude.   In Jesus name, -amen.


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