What money CAN and CANNOT do.. by (me!) sandra, tvgp
I have reason to believe my financial situation will improve soon. But I have never let it define or dispirit me.. I have consistently allowed it to inform and educate.. -my children are blessed with the opportunity to see what money can (dads side) and cannot (my side) do..
as a person living below the poverty line for many years now, I tend toward pointing out what money cannot do.. Save lives; save marriages; keep healthy loving relationships alive, buy genuine love or loyalty in the heart of another.. Prevent infidelity.. Long list..
And let us look at the man who just killed a mother and her 14 month old baby.. I do not know his financial status.. But he was driving an expensive car and he somehow afforded bail..
the financial status of anyone involved.. the deceased and/or the bailed temporarily out.. what do we learn about what money CAN and CANNOT Do?
In Jesus name, amen!
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